Butt-Ugly Martians
Butt-Ugly Martians
NR | 01 January 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I have to admit, I agree with most of the complaints about "Butt Ugly Martians;" however, I feel it did have one redeeming quality about it and that item was Robert Stack as the voice of Stoat Muldoon, Alien Hunter. In my opinion, the only reason to watch the show is to listen to Robert Stack as he does a take off of his old TV "Untouchables"character. In most of the episodes the over-the-top Stoat has his mind blanked after discovering the Martians. The mind wipe ends with Stoat folding onto the ground and saying something along the lines of, "I don't like the darkness, Mommie." I only tuned into the show because I learned Stack was to be on the show and continued to watch because of him, but I was not supervised to see it canceled.

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    Well, what is there to say about a show that stars a group of ugly-a** Martians who come to Earth to destroy it, only to end up liking it, and to compensate for their newfound lack-of-interest in destroying Earth, they send fake progress reports back to their home planet? Simply stupid is all you can really say. The animation for this show is so laughably bad, that I'm not sure it can even be called a cartoon. The plot is about as idiotic as it can get. When will the executives at Nickelodeon learn that they can't fool us into believing that this is real entertainment? At this rate, probably never. no stars

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    I heard this show was WILDLY popular over in Britain, although I never even HEARD of it until I saw it on the TV guide. I heard it was awful but decided I would watch it and see if it was any good. It was on at a time when I wasn't able to watch, so I decided to videotape it, using an old tape. I'm glad I did. This show was bad for three main reasons. (**Please note: this may contain mild spoilers of what happens in the show.) Read on...1. The theme song. In most action-adventure cartoons, the theme gives some information about the show. This incredibly short (30-second-long) theme gave absolutely NO information as to: a) How the Martians got to Earth in the first place; b) what they are supposed to be doing there; or c) why they are CALLED the Butt-Ugly Martians, and why they hang around with a trio of teens that don't seem to know what they're doing, either. Also, the song itself was confusing: the Martians sing, "We are the Martians, the Butt-Ugly Martians!" but later in the song they chant, "B! K-M! B! K-M!" WHY?! Shouldn't it be B-U-M?! It doesn't even seem like their initials! Do they have a different name in Britain or Canada? Maybe another viewer can help me out with this one.2. The plot. What plot? Unfortunately, this show reminded me too much of many brain-dead shows that made their debuts in the early 90's. Usually, there is an underlying theme, or some kind of constant problem that sometimes surfaces. This show apparently had NONE that I could figure out, at least at the start. The plot was generally disjointed and confusing. We have absolutely NO information what they're doing until the middle of the show when they transform! That's when they FINALLY decide that they'll tell us they have special powers that they should use to take over Earth, and that they're PROTECTING Earth instead. In fact, I got most of the information ahead of time in the little preview (coming up next on "Butt-Ugly Martians..."). Are the Martians supposed to be taking over Earth? Who's the weird Emperor? What the HECK IS GOING ON?!?!3. The characters. They are not well-developed and the viewer, as mentioned before, has no idea what is going on or who the characters are until they address each other by name. You can't check what their names are at the ending credits; there are no names matched up with the cast. As said before, they should have given some info in the theme song, instead of leaving us in the dark.All in all, this show is not well-put together, not well-developed, and truly a waste of half an hour. I would not recommend this show to anyone. Spend your time watching something else, if you're going to watch TV at all.

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    I actually thought this was a very good TV show and although I'm not in the actual age range for it, I loved it. The aliens were cute and the stories were good, and actually I thought alot did happen in the 1/2 hour. A very good show and of course the fact that Charlie Schlatter did a voice over was good. Can't wait to see more of the martians!!!

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