The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice
The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice
PG | 25 October 2008 (USA)
The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice Trailers

While on a dangerous mission to recover the historic Judas Chalice, Flynn is saved by Simone. But when double-crossed by a respected professor and ambushed by a ruthless gang, Flynn realizes Simone's secret, his true mission and a shocking discovery are all lying within a decaying New Orleans crypt.


There are movies that got the Oscar for best movie of the year and I have watched them only once, The Curse of the Judas Chalice never got that kind of recognition but I've watched it four times already and enjoyed each one of them. When I get to that part where Stana Katic sings that song in the bar, I always replay the scene once or twice. Stana Katic is Mona Lisa reincarnated in the twenty first century but better than the Da Vinci's version. Noah Wyle and the rest of the cast are always in tune with the story. Aside from a few exceptions, I'm not into vampire movies that much but this one makes the grade. Not having the kind of budget Indiana Jones movies got and succeeding in making a gem of a flick deserves praise. Hats off for their great work.

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Charles Herold (cherold)

I saw the original Librarian movie when it came out and I think I liked it (that was a long time ago). I never knew there were any sequels until recently, when I was searching for adventure movies. This one is really fun, and a vast improvement over the second movie. It's got a nice Indiana Jones vibe, it's well paced and it's got just a little New Orleans color to it. Like in the second movie, the Librarian is unhappy and mopey, but whereas that second movie let the whole emotional-journey thing swamp the fun, this time it's just a nice setup for a light, fun little romp. The plot holds together well, the lead girl is good, there's a fun scene in a barbershop with Bob Newhart, and it's got vampires. What more could you want? I hope they make a forth one of these sometime.

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Thomas Diemer

Morgus Bay is named for Dr Mommus Alexander Morgus, a mad scientist character who introduced horror movies on television in New Orleans for thirty years - he is still active. His side kicks are an executioner type named Chopsley and a talking skull named Eric.The exterior for the building where the auction is held is the Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge, the interior is the New Orleans Museum of Art. The exterior of the museum/library where Flyn works is the New Orleans Museum of art, the interior the Old State Capitol Building!The interior of the Capuchin monestary where the chalice is hidden is St Alphonsus Church, the exterior is St Mary's Asumption. They are across the street from each other, St Alphonsus was the Irish Catholic Church, Saint Mary's Assumption was for German Catholics. (A third one for French Catholics has been torn down.)

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Flynn is burned out and takes some time off in New Orleans. He's not there an hour before he's caught up in a bizarre plot by an ex-KGB agent to revive Dracula (yes, Dracula) and raise an army of the undead. To do so, the agent needs to find a chalice made from the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas, hence the Judas Chalice. Along the way, Flynn meets a sexy singer who ably aids him in his battle with the Russian. Noah Wylie's Flynn is much more assured than in his first two outings, but he's still somewhat naive. Jane Curtin and Bob Newhart are back as Flynn's bosses at the magical library, and Curtin's role has been beefed up a bit. In fact, it is she who suggests the vacation. Bruce Davison has a meaty role as a befuddled scientist pressed into service by the Russian. A recent Bond girl, the very lovely Stana Katic, plays Flynn's exotic, ass-kicking love interest. In fact, the movie starts off with a James Bond gag and there are nods to (some might even say swipes from) other movies, including HARRY POTTER, Dracula 2000, BLADE and BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. This special effects. photography and music are all first rate, and the jokes come just often enough. And wait until you see the revived Dracula. You may be surprised. Because of the nature of the plot -- the undead and bloodsucking -- I'd say keep the little ones away.

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