Shark Zone
Shark Zone
| 14 October 2003 (USA)
Shark Zone Trailers

A secret fortune in diamonds lies at the bottom of the ocean but the treasure is also home to a school of deadly Great White sharks. Only one man knows the truth when a group of divers is attacked while searching for the loot. Now, the sharks are hunting swimmers on a nearby beach. The slaughter will continue until someone believes him.


Let me just say...THIS MOVIE ISN'T EVEN A MOVIE!!! It's pretty much just a bunch of stock footage of sharks and clips from other shark movies! It even gets worse, they roar! Plus, in the beginning, the divers can talk underwater. It's like another Cruel Jaws! In my opinion, it's pretty much a shark toothed mess! On the other hand,the good things in this movie are, that the whole storyline is awesome, and it's a fast paced movie. But, why did they call this movie "Shark Zone"? It isn't even about any kind of zone in any part of this movie. The mayor is really dumb in this movie, for not closing the beaches. So, if I were you, I would buy it off EBay, and watch it for the fun of it. I gave this movie 4 stars.

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I saw this film yesterday.. I gotta hand it to you.. It was one of the worst shark films I've seen. OK! I saw JAWS a few times.. But the film itself left me with a scar.. This one didn't..While I was watching this film.. It had the same storyline as JAWS as well as PIRATES OF THE Caribbean.. But for some reason, the plot began to change course.. So, I was thinking to myself.. what was director Danny Learner trying to do..? Is he telling us a story about sharks attacking people on the beach, or is about a ruthless guy going after sunken treasure?Well, somehow I managed to figure out it was both..Anyway, it was a total waste of money doing something like this.. I didn't enjoy it.I don't see why filmmakers struggle so hard to come with the next big thing, with sharks in it?Well, I guess for director Danny Learner.. He should go back to the drawing board.0 out of 10!

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The small town of San Francisco relies upon the beach for all of its business. A school of sharks roam near a ship containing diamonds which sunk many years ago. The mayor wants to keep the beaches open, the hero disagrees with him. Token Russian guy wants the diamonds and he wants the hero to help him find them. etc etc etcSounds familiar? Welcome to Shark Zone. A movie so terrible that thousands of people watching this may be sworn off movies. Cliché after cliché. Remember Jaw? Well its part jaws, part every other bad(and by bad I mean really really bad) movie you've ever seen. This movie is a comedy of errors. There's lots of National Geographic and Discovery Channel footage, which if you've watch for just 10 mins, you will instantaneously recognise all the shark clips.The deaths are messy, lots of really really bad fake blood. There's plenty of errors in the movie to pick from. In one scene when they're throwing in chum for the sharks, you see jelly (jello) mixture. The sharks grunt for some reason (don't ask). The sharks devour everyone in sight, oo and my favourite - corny dialogue. Lots of lines to pick out from. My fav though-Dean Cochran saying 'Class dismissed!' (Doesn't sound funny out of context, but when watching the movie, it is definitely amusing)If you notice carefully, you see the main character's father returns as the mayor, without a beard and no apparent dress sense. Looking at the movie from another perspective, it is hilarious. Brandi Sherwood's acting is terrible, but funny nevertheless. As a former Miss Teen USA its obvious why she got the part. The whole screenplay is so bad, you'll be on the floor in riotous laughter. I mean sure, shark attacks are nothing to laugh about, but this movie, makes the attacks look so fake, you have no choice but to laugh. This is definitely the Holy Grail of bad movies. This should be shown in film school as not what to do when making a movie.The movie has so many faults, its unbelievable. Not really worth renting at all. Unless you have some friends around and you want to laugh, watch this!The writer/director has another shark movie out next year,beware!A generous 1 out of 10 Laugh factor- 8/9 out of 10

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I would like to simply leave a two word review: Sh* Zone, but I am not allowed so I will discuss this masterpiece in greater detail. Basically, the movie is about how one man must fight both a school of super POed sharks and a bunch of crazy Russians. If your wondering what Russians have to do with sharks, you will find out. This movie, written by the genius who gave us all three Delta Force movies, never ceases to amaze with its total sweetness. The dialogue: sweet, the plot: awesome, the special effects: unparalleled. The lead actor has played impossible roles in the past to great critical acclaim - for instance biker gang member in Batman & Robin - and lives up to expectation in this film. Watch this movie with friends and you will not be disappointed.

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