Role Models
Role Models
R | 07 November 2008 (USA)
Role Models Trailers

Two salesmen trash a company truck on an energy drink-fueled bender. Upon their arrest, the court gives them a choice: do hard time or spend 150 service hours with a mentorship program. After one day with the kids, however, jail doesn't look half bad.

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While the two leads are undeniably great, it is Jane Lynch who steals this film. But then, she shines in every movie she's in. The film itself is a really wonderful, hilarious, unique take on the mismatched buddy genre. I was laughing out loud the whole time and enjoyed it until the end. I would have given it ten stars but it loses points for needless sexism throughout - the film was funny enough without it, and I'm honestly looking forward to the day when film makers no longer go low in order to deliver smirks to the lowest common denominators who might be watching.

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OneEightNine Media

Not as funny as I was hoping. I stopped watching this about an hour into it. It just wasn't getting any better. Unfunny comedies are the worst because they just exist without serving a purpose. Simply waste of time and space in the grand collection of cinema. Void of meaning or even entertainment value. The nothingness of the human condition. Darn them. Darn them to heck. In other words, this film is forgettable and not even worth a review.

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Well. I was in a very good mood. I had had a hard but satisfying workday, a good gym session and a nice dinner. I thought that a good comedy would round up the evening. IMDb ratings are supposed to guide people to steer away from bad movies.People have no time to waste. I simply just cannot understand how this stodgy stuff gets such a high rating. Even Metacritic is also favorable. Some nominations as well. Well there is one win I definitely agree with - the most offensive Male character award. Hands down, show of hands or count of rotten tomatoes. I honestly can't get my head around how there are so many morons to actually like such a dull excuse for a plot, such repellent characters, really offensive speech - especially when kids are involved. The movie was supposed to end with a feel good take home message. I definitely did not stay up for that. It lost all credibility to do that, with the 'drunken lecture at school' scene. A later scene sums up all that's bad in this movie. An 8 year old (does he really have to be black) slaps his would be carer in the face. Are we supposed to laugh at this? I felt this slap as symbolic of what the whole movie did to me. It made me switch off immediately. This is ultimate sewage 'humor' for moronic psychopaths. It ruined our evening.This was the worst movie experience in our life.

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Role Models is a good movie with an enjoyable storyline and a great comedic cast.I did enjoy the movie, it had plenty of very funny scenes, but plenty of scenes that wern't do funny as well.I was honestly disappointed by this movie ,the cast was very promising, especially Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott,two hilarious actors together in what seemed like such a great set up, but it really just didn't live up to my expectations.Seann William Scott's character was definitely my favourite and I also really liked and Bobb'e J.Thompson's character was also one of the funniest.There are certainly several funny moments but also some not so funny moments,however , I would recommend Role Models to anyone looking for a fun comedy.Two irresponsible salesmen are priced to act as unlikely role models for two wayward kids.

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