Thank God, this is not a comedy. Thank God. I am so sick of comedy. Comedy Sucks. This movie is so dang fine! I watched it until my eyes ran aorta my head! The Living Corpse (song & dance abound) is ass good too. The Dracula Star of The Living Corpse is in this anti-comedy! What more could anyone desire! Now go listen to Femme Fatale (BS) then watch this 'gain & gain--- then listen to Britney more. O yeah, the Indian dough nuts they eat (high?)--- well, one guy does--- he eats the whole bag--- and, like I said-- he was served by Dracula. And then there are zombies and an evil spirit witch... and gore... and Dracula serving Indian dough nuts... and there's also the director's commentary which is ass good too, O Dude.
... View MoreZibahKhana aka Hells Ground 2007 is the worst horror film ever made in history of world cinema,no sensible person will like this it is a insane film for insane people,i love horror,gore & similar genre films but this is an insult.the plot:few teenagers go to a rock concert by lying to their parents in evening as darkness approaches they get lost & get hunted by zombies & large spike balls spinning maniac.this film was inspired by Texas chainsaw massacre & other popular horror and zombie movies,what were they makers thinking they included gore and blood here but it looks like ketchup or paint,the zombies looked like beggars asking for money,the cast is bad all actors except Rubya Chaudhary.the dialog's are written by a 12 years old the characters uttering f words every 5 minutes,the music is bad using Naheed Ahkats & Noor Jehan 1970s songs will not make this watchable,the spike-ball Burke wearing guy is a joke on ghost rider of marvel comics i am not talking about this film with Nicolas Cage in 2007 the novels came decades before that,if you have read the novels you will agree,hells ground is filled with overacting & stupidity.are those reviews paid how did so many critics & people liked this thing more then 100 critics watched this and praised it audience is loosing taste in movies these days,i recently saw this and disappointed as i raised my expectations after reading reviews.pick any other horror series like wrong turn series they are greater then this any day,its an awful attempt & a example of bad film making,for people who liked this film because of 2 many genres mixed in one & atmosphere you will be disappointed.filming scenes in night & dark does not make you a film maker otherwise every new filmmaker would become Christopher Nolan.this is a Z Grade film Hells Ground 2007 is a waste of money & time its free on Youtube if you want to watch it.Rather take a trip to hell then watching his boring film.My Rating is 1/10 don't watch this awful film at any cost stay way.Skipp It
... View MoreI love low-budget movies and those ground-breaking films like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Day of the Woman or Cannibal Holocaust are among the best the genre has to offer.What about Hell's Ground? Apart from the DVD-cover which is pretty nice, the film is a tough bore. The plot is a dull rip-off of TCM with some ingredients of Blair Witch Project, and the dialogues are as bad as they can possibly get - the acting is very, very bad, I mean: really bad - the costumes are just ridiculous - the soundtrack is awful - and the special effects and visuals are just boring.I really tried, but I couldn't find anything to like
... View MoreOmar Ali Khan's "Hell's Ground" is essentially a fan film using familiar horror genre staples audiences are accustomed to, such as taking the dreaded short cut which is a detour into terror, cell phones that don't work, a van which will soon run out of gas, a family of psychos who chop up passersby using their meat to supply demand, and polluted water supply that contaminates the citizens turning those who drink it into gut-munching zombies. And, your final girl is virtuous, forgiving, kind-hearted, and soft-spoken. I thought the film is a Pakistani reworking of THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE with a little NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD to stir the pot a little. Admittedly, like a lot of horror buffs, I was drawn to the fact that this seems to be Pakistan's "first gore film", after seeing a trailer preview on another movie's DVD. It seems Khan is heavily reliant on a fish-eye lens distorting the frame, creating a disorienting atmosphere for the cast of city kids whose parents have no idea that they have snuck out to go to a concert...a trait in horror that always works, the fear that you are out there in an unfamiliar territory and your loved ones don't know where you are. Certainly the image of a flail wielding madman in a burqa(..his demented eye peering through a cut away hole as he swings it with a ferocity ready to plant it's spikes into the skull of a frightened, fleeing victim)isn't easy to forget and the idea that you are on the receiving end of a head crushing increases the suspense of the situation..the flail is pretty much a terrifying tool replacing Leatherface's chainsaw, the burqa in the same vein as the human-skin or hockey mask.The Pakistani characters aren't too different than an American group being stalked by predators, you have Roxy(Rubya Chaundhry), a rich, opinionated snob, or OJ(Osman Khalid Butt), the pothead horror geek. Rooshanie Ejaz is the virginal innocent, Ayesha, who will obviously withstand the horrors until the end. Haider Raza is Simon, a male mirror equivalent to Ayesha, a smart kid from a poor family with wealthy friends(..his dad is a "poop sweeper" for the rich with a disdain for his son who hangs around the crowd he doesn't belong to). OJ is bitten by an infected local and slowly succumbs over time to the plague sweeping across the land. The group encounter zombies which attempt to get in their van and a religious nut who temporarily "bums a ride" promising to guide them to their destination. Lots of enthusiastic set-pieces, particularly the chase scenes where the burqa psycho follows close behind those running for their lives, and we get an old-fashioned flesh-eating session which should bring a grin to the faces of Italian zombie fans. Khan injects a healthy dose of blood splatter when weapons hit the desired targets of our maniac, and the pace is full throttle, with a camera that moves throughout, rarely staying still not allowing the viewer to settle down at almost any point. I'm guessing, judging by how spirited the whole film feels, that this was a dream come true for director Khan. Nothing at all content-wise is original, but the setting is unique, and Khan is aiming to please the target audience. I think zombie fans will feel a little disappointed that Khan shifts focus from the plague sweeping across the people to the predator chasing the lost sheep in the wilderness, but it seems that Khan wanted to get in as much as possible in regards to the films that influenced him the most..homages here and there. My favorite image might just be the opening attack where the moon becomes engulfed in blood.
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