Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead
R | 06 May 1994 (USA)
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead Trailers

The Tall Man, that imposing menace from Morningside Mortuary, is back and once again haunting the thoughts of the now-adult Mike and his friend, ex-Ice Cream vendor Reggie. The two continue their hunt for the mysterious figure and in his path of destruction encounter a variety of dangerous situations, friends and enemies.


This movie gets a 6 and it not even scary. How could movie this bad have cult few up? This is overrated. Phantasm IV is a better movie and that was pretty bad. This movie has an awful story line. It also has an awful ending. I can not believe people got scared of this movie and did not get scared of Plan 9 from outer space. Plan 9 from outer space is a lot scary then this crap. I can under stand why Halloween is popular movie. The Halloween movie are a lot better then this. This is a wast of time. It is also wast of money. The Leprechaun movie are better. This movie is pooh pooh. This hole series is pooh pooh. Do not see any this awful movie.

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Picking up where part II leaves off, Mike (Baldwin) and Reggie (Banister) barley escape the Tall Man (Scrimm) and go into hiding. A silver sphere catches up to them but it is somehow Jody (Thornbury) Mike's dead brother from the original. Jody warns them that the Tall Man is coming for them and they need to hide out. In a thrilling scene the Tall Man captures Mike and takes him away. Reggie, through urging from Jody, heads out to find Mike. Along the way he picks up a couple of side kicks including Timmy (Kevin Connors) and a tough chick named Rocky (Gloria Lynne Henry). Eventually the group meets up with Mike and helps him to escape. The Tall Man in this movie seems obsessed with keeping Mike. He seems to have other plans for him, but in the tradition of the Phantasm series we never find out why. It's nice to see Bill Thornbury as Jody being worked back into the series even in this bizarre way and A. Michael Baldwin returns as Mike after his absence in part II. Mike's character gets taken by the Tall Man so early on we lose him for half the movie. So instead of the preferred Reggie & Mike teaming of part II Reggie is teamed up with lesser characters. Still Phantasm III has some scary moments and others that are truly bizarre. The gore is up to par all though not quite as showy as the impressive Part II's set pieces. The cast is comfortable with their roles and once again Angus Scrimm as the Tall Man is impressive. Series Director and creator Don Coscerelli chooses to show the audience the Tall Man more in this one but never cheapens him. Fans of the series will roll right along with this not even trying to explain some of the weird mythology at work here. Part III is the most unbalanced of the series and newcomers will be thoroughly confused. The conclusion is pure cliffhanger with Mike possessed by a sphere the Tall Man has put into his brain and Reggie pinned to the wall by a dozen spheres. Coscarelli knows how to make a small budget look bigger than it is, and all though the scares are a little more spread out in this segment, Part III has some great moments fans of the series should enjoy.

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The 3 film in the phantasm series was not that good I think. The special effects could have been better since it's not that old. The really good part that I really liked about this one and phantasm II, was the resume of what has happened and that the characters isn't changed that much BIG PLUS. And to you who doesn't liked it "It's time for you boy" Phantasm III lets us follow Reggie and Mike from the end of PII. It doesn't take long till we loose Mike to "the Tall Man" and this movie really takes it start. We also meets two new characters Tim and Rocky(woman) and this sequel is on. A little to many spheres I think for this one but at least I give it a 7/10.

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Why did it take me so long to get into the "Phantasm" films, as just in the last two months I got around to seeing the first two films and now the third entry. So far I've enjoyed every one. While I found the quality of this entry not match the previous two, still it's an entertainingly non-stop ride in the quest to stop the Tall Man. It pretty much follows on from the previous edition, capping off that had just transpired. The road trip continues through small rural towns, where an almost apocalyptic feel is crafted. Nonetheless the adventurous tone is there, but it's leaning more for comic humour and flat-out action (in a way similar to the second entry), over the tripped-out atmospheric spookiness.It's Reggie Banister's show and there's nothing wrong about that because he makes for a likable heroine that's easy to root for. A. Michael Baldwin isn't in it as much (which the chemistry between Mike and Reggie isn't as prominent) and Bill Thornbury reprises his role in rather an innovative manner. Two new ragtag characters find there way in to help out Reggie; played by Gloria Lynne Henry and Kevin Connors. These two bring biting persona's. Angus Scrimm in Tall Man mode is as menacing as ever - in appearance and the voice --- "It's time now BOY". Director / writer Don Coscarelli keeps the unique vision alive, where his handling seems more focused (especially the writing) and complete, but competently staged with enough flair and panache in numerous sequences. After the last film was produced by a film studio, this entry would go back the low-budget independent roots. The unconventional story isn't as complicated, but this clip show is always on the move and is tension grabbing in its varied ideas. The lively special effects and make-up FX were effectively executed, where it becomes more and more a centre piece with the lethal flying spheres, dimension portals and the legion of dead serving under the Tall Man.

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