Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill
| 26 October 2004 (USA)
Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill Trailers

When a group of college kids stumble upon a small abandoned town of Sunset Valley, they must fight a band of Zombies led by a Confederate soldier seeking retribution for his grisly execution.

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This movie may have a lot of zombies running around (yes, running... like they are getting ready for a marathon), but it doesn't matter anyway. They could have put in 100 more zombies, and this movie would still suck. The acting is awful, the zombies are terrible and the story is just lame. I can only assume that the director was waisted when trying to edit this movie, because there are so many scnenes, that has plot holes and errors in them, that you just want to turn of the movie and lie down meditating over your whole existence, and why you ever wanted to waist 70 minutes of your time on this crap. I had to check twice to be sure this was not an Ittenbach movie, because it easily could have been one.I'll give it 2 stars for Bloody Bill only, because he was OK... at least he was the best actor in this movie, and thats saying a lot.

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KHayes666 we got a ghost-town (literally) with a conferate soldier and a gaggle of zombies guarding the corpse of his sister. Do I even need to tell you the rest? I will say its an original way to promote zombies to have them fully aware of their surroundings as upposed to mindless oafs staggering around, but that's as good as it got. The whole plot was awful and what kind of ending was THAT?? The highlight of the movie was when Earl runs into the room and sees N*GGER written on skulls and says in a high pitched voice "OOH Sh*t, that ain't right!" Speaking of which, it was in the legend that Bloody Bill hated blacks yet he didn't kill the black characters any differently from the whites, so they blew that plot twist completely.The rest of the movie was awful, don't even bother, no redemption value at all.2 out of 10 (only because of the opening chase scene prevented it being a 1)

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A group of teens (on their way to a debating competition) are taken hostage by a drug dealer who is looking for his partner in crime. They are forced to drive to the dilapidated ghost-town of Sunset Valley. Here they are attacked by a load of zombies, led by the evil Bloody Bill, a Confederate soldier seeking revenge for the deaths of himself and his sister.Byron Werner, the 'director' of this crap-fest, has definitely got ideas above his station. Instead of accepting that he's helming a low budget horror film, he goes all 'Tony Scott' on us and uses annoying directorial and editing techniques to excess: bleached out film stock, staccato editing, wobbly camera-work, coloured filters. This isn't art, Byron... neither is it a music video... it's schlock horror, so cut out the pretentious film-making and start off by learning how to tell a story!The plot is a weak derivative mixture of elements from H.G. Lewis' 2000 Maniacs and Romero's Night of the Living Dead, without an ounce of the charm of either of these classics. The annoying teens are portrayed by a talentless bunch of nobodies and they deliver their lines as though reading off a board. The awful script is clichéd drivel, with dreadful dialogue and absolutely no logic. Hell, it even has the teens debating with each other whilst under attack from the living dead!The 'special effects' are also lousy; the zombie makeup is extremely amateurish and the gore content is fairly low. Even the zombie extras are bad: they shuffle in a variety of unconvincing manners—some fast, some slow, and, I'm convinced, some with grins on their faces.I'm a great fan of zombie films and usually cut even the worst efforts some slack if they deliver ample blood 'n' guts, but Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill fails even with this simple task and receives the lowest possible rating from me.

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I think people are sleeping on this movie, because I think it will be a cult classic. This movie is a comedy and a horror and the same time, Youn can't help but laugh at some of the parts in the movie. Especially when earl is bit by a zombie and decides to go out like a soldier. The only thing I wish to see is more of is gore. The girl getting her face ate wasn't enough for me. The zombies should had pin her down and ate her eyes, and ate the flesh off her face until you seen nothing but her bones. When I home sitting back and relaxing,I like to keep rewinding the part of earl making a complete fool of bloody bill's zombies. I don't take points off the movie because of the graphics. I think the people who don't like that should support movies like that, so that next time the film company will have enough money to make a movie with better graphics

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