Death Row
Death Row
| 14 October 2006 (USA)
Death Row Trailers

Haunted Prison - AKA Death Row - a horrifying live action film based on the short story by Kevin VanHook-takes place at Isla de la Roca Penitentiary. Rumor has it the Devil himself spat up the place out of the depths of hell, and man turned it into a prison for the most dangerous prisoners in the South. The monstrous building is steeped in the evil created by centuries of murder and injustice and is haunted by vengeful ghosts. Isla de la Roca was abandoned after being soaked in blood by a horrific massacre of inmates and guards. A gang of fugitives from a cop-killing robbery seek refuge within the razor wire of the prison walls at the same time as a documentary film crew arrives to tell the story of the penitentiary. When these groups cross paths within the cruel walls of Isla de la Roca, will anyone get out alive?

Michael O'Keefe

A low budget horror flick from the Sci-Fi Channel. The special effects are much better than the story or acting. Dismembered bodies in pools of blood and ghosts that can only be seen when they want to be. An old rundown prison that once housed the most dangerous and ruthless criminals imagined grabs the interest of a film crew wanting to film a documentary. A group of jewelry thieves stumble upon the prison and decide to take refuge. So now there are two groups of people inside the prison and meet hellish ghosts of those who were tortured and died there.Kevin VanHook directs his own story and does well with what he has to work with. Cinematography provides the right atmosphere to set up some very graphic scenes. Starring are: Jake Busey, Kyle Schmidt, Claire Coffee, Denny Arroyo, Stacey Keach, Danny Trejo, and Abra Chouinard.

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If I could, I'd rate this movie as 5.5 but since there's no halfway, I'll give it a benefit of the doubt and rate it 6.Death Row is NOT a brilliant movie. In fact, it's a "horror" B-movie with a super low budget in Canada. It doesn't revolutionize anything and some - okay, most - of the deaths are really unrealistic but that's the whole fun of it! Honestly, it's not possible at all to push a body THROUGH a wire fence in any situation. But gore's always fun to watch in a movie.The acting from most of the younger actors was horrendous. Seriously, it was really painful to watch Claire Coffee as Missy... Her performance was more wooden than the Amazon Forest but the entire script was pretty much laughable. Which was probably the point for most viewers.If you liked the Final Destination franchise, it's pretty likely that you'll like this movie. Laughable plot, really bad special effects (that last scene with the implosion... UGH) and painful acting but the makeup was brilliant and some of the deaths were really really good.

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I was hoping this movie would have been better.I was really disappointed.It started out really good with young filmmakers wanting to document a violent occurrence at a prison that was abandoned.They were interviewing an old prison guard who was dying.The scene was interesting and had a few good moments.And then jewel thieves broke into the prison and after a little while the movie started to go downhill.The rest of it was stupid and turning out to be more of a comedy.The special effects were lousy and laughable.The ghosts looked like images from a cartoon and the rest of the movie was nothing more than just a gore fest. The plot wasn't consistent and the reason's that were given for why it all happened was even more ridiculous.Something like, the prison got a taste of blood a long time ago and now after all that time it wants more blood. I can't believe the filmmakers actually consider this piece of crap a horror film.They actually attempted to make a scary movie.There is nothing scary about it.The only scary part is that people are renting this horrible DVD. It is a total B movie with bad acting and only one good scene which was in the beginning in the hospital room when the old man pulls the sheet off and you see what is revealed. I expected a lot more especially since Jake Busy was in it.I was hoping it would have been more like "session 9" or "identity",but it was a real joke instead.What a total waste of my time and money.

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I thought this one had some pretty good scares. I particularly liked the part with the girl and the ceiling fan. Gruesome stuff. The first guy getting squished through the jail bars was unique, too.This movie doesn't just kill people by the numbers.There's a lot of different kind of deaths. Jake Busey came off crazy as a bedbug and I thought this was the best I've seen him since Frighteners. I don't see why he doesn't do more stuff! I loved him in Contact and Starship Troopers, too.All in all, I thought this movie looked like it could have been in theaters. The low budget hampered the film sometimes, but not enough to bother me. I've seen worse out there. There's a shot of Jamie Mann (ceiling fan girl) crawling down the hall as a ghost that's creepy as hell.Overall, better than the usual SCI FI stuff you see. I was hoping to see more deleted scenes on the DVD, but the other extras are cool.I went back and checked out the director's other stuff and while I can't say I love them all, there's a great feeling that he's trying to tell fun stories. There's a real Saturday night, old- school drive-in feel to some of them.I think these film-makers are trying to get some of the same over-the-top feel that Tarantino and Rodriguez are going for with Grindhouse, just not going for the 70's exploitation stuff. If you want to have a good time and some pretty cool scares, check out Death Row.

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