California Girls
California Girls
PG-13 | 24 March 1985 (USA)
California Girls Trailers

A New Jersey auto mechanic travels to California to find the girl of his dreams and woos a bikini fashion model while the time quarreling with her high-powered manager and avoiding his New Jersey girlfriend who comes looking for him.


This comedy movie has an all star cast which is why it is puzzling that it is not available anywhere on video, DVD and/or Blu-Ray. It is a great comedy displaying the stereotype between the laid-back style of the California West to the fast-paced style of the New Jersey/ NY East. When Robbie Benson goes out to L.A. to meet the girl of his dreams, he has all the preconceived notions of what it will be like and find in California. It is a very funny and enjoyable movie to watch. It stars Robbie Benson, Tawny Kitaen, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Martin Mull, Doris Roberts who plays the mom in the show Everybody Loves Raymond. Will some movie studio PLEASE put this out on DVD.

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Steven Gauck

It's been almost 30 years, hard to believe, but for some reason the movie and plot really stuck with me since I saw it on TV at the age of 12. I was just entering puberty then, so maybe my fond and some distinct memories of it probably have something to do with that.First - the official synopsis here and on Wiki is not what I remember of the movie. For example, I don't recall that the main character was looking for a particular girl in California, nor do I remember him having a girlfriend back home. But the other two reviewers before me describe what I remember. Here's what I can add:The main character arrives in California in search of a better life and shortly after leaving the airport, he gets into an accident with a very attractive and glamorous California girl, the kind that inspired the song. The girl is distraught over the body damage -- maybe it wasn't her car -- and because the guy is a mechanic, he offers to come over to her place to fix it over the course of the days that followed. From that chance encounter, a relationship ensues. I don't recall the various other subplots.Near the end of the movie, he wakes up and it is revealed to viewers that it was all his dream. He gets out of bed to catch his flight and arrives in California, but this time it's raining and dreary out and nothing is as glamorous as they were in his dream. The movie ends right after he crosses paths with a less glamorous but otherwise attractive and more likable girl he had met in his dream version of his California trip. He says hello, and the movie ends, leaving the rest to everyone's imagination.Pretty silly plot, I gave it a 6, but I'd love to catch it again for the nostalgia.

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Tom Parker

I thought the whole movie was pretty silly, and I guess it's supposed to be because ultimately the entire thing is his dream about what California is like (plus, we all know that "it was only a dream" is the single lamest premise in all of film history).However, when he does finally get to California at the end, we see him on this ugly stretch of beach on a gray, drizzly day with industrial buildings in the background (it could be Manhattan Beach, Long Beach, or even Huntington Beach) and he mutters, "This looks like New Jersey." That one scene almost makes the whole movie worth it because rarely does the California beach myth ever get called out. I've lived here my whole life, and while there are Baywatch days for sure, there are twice as many gray, windy days with tourists from the East Coast pretending to have fun in trash-filled, 64 degree water.The irony is that New Jersey actually has some incredibly beautiful beaches. I'll trade Huntington Beach for Loveladies Beach any day.

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I'm surprised nobody has reviewed this one. First post, I'll try to make it good. (Brief Story Line) Robbie Benson plays a young kid in search of a better life and better weather in California. Before his flight he falls asleep and dreams the perfect California dream. When he finally arrives, he finds the West coast a lot colder than in his dreams. Not the weather, the people. Near the end a tiny bright spot appears in that he sees a girl who appeared in his dream previously. A nice all around good film. Doesn't seem to be available anywhere but if it pops up on TV, give it a look. As Always, Martin Mull is fabulous as the selfish con-man. This film makes you really feel for the "nice guy".

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