Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia
Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia
R | 06 January 2009 (USA)
Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia Trailers

Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.


first of all look at the very first film behind enemy lines starting Owen Wilson is a great film then a second film came axis of evil which was bad but this third film is a solid mess i would never call these 2 last films to be attached to the original film by director john Moore lets just pretend that there is no trilogy these films are separate from the first best film.there are several reasons for it.will someone tell me why the world wrestling entertainment produced this movie and it starts Ken Anderson aka Mr Kennedy is he an actor i have seen him in WWE getting beat down by undertaker and Kane he maybe a good wrestler but in a film you need acting i would have to say i am wrong few films don't need acting it just have to start some famous guy like John Cena,the rock,Goldberg,big-show even Kurt and Kane all these guys made films but only rock films clicked it it a fault a fault of Mr Kennedy no the fault of producers the spent a lot of money on a budget but not the script,this is what happens here there is no script of this film it looks like a few kids playing in afternoon in garden with guns and ammo.the plot:Navy seals have to rescue a hostage to do this they have to attack Columbian special forces.the cast,direction,plot and execution is flawed not worth discussing at all even action is disappointing try to ape the Bourne supremacy 2004 will not help it sir director.this is the third film in the BEL Trilogy but fails,heavily there is only one film that is worst watching and is the best its called behind enemy lines 2001 with Owen don't bother watching this.My Rating for behind enemy lines:Columbia 2009 is 1/10 an awful experience even if this film went theatrical or direct release it don't matter now it was a failure when it was in production.Skipp it

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What a great film... it is full off valuable facts plus the quality of the production is just stunning!To summarise a few of the best facts and contributions of this film in my life: - A blind guy with a digital camera produces a better footage that this people. - All the north American girls are hot (like bimbos) - All the north American guys are ripped (specially the soldiers) - All the south Americans are fat, sweaty and wear hats. - Bogota is a hot and humid city (did not know that) - Colombia's conflict could be ended using between 3 to 5 soldiers (americans of course)ARE YOU F#@#$# SERIOUS... I would like to be able to give negative points in IMDb!

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ana maria berro

this movie is probably the biggest waste of time that i ever had in my life ....obviuosly you could notes that the movie wasn't film in Colombia ...come on I really thought you could do better...the actor said that you couldn't notes the difference don't make me laugh. probably you should have study the real scenery before making a fake one... for your information Bogota is a cold almost every time dark city by the first scenery you were already wrong ...those actors didn't even have Colombian accent (the ones that were sup post to be Colombians) and hotel Las Americas is probably the best hotel of the coast of Colombia ...and did you people see that miserable sign that they did for the hotel? ooh no...and also in the commentary of the movie an other actor said that they filmed the movie in Puerto Rico because that was the closest they could get to Colombia are you kidding me? why couldn't you get closer's just the same ...we have even better sights and wilderness than Puerto Rico ...more beautiful women's just so frustrating to see what a bad job they did here. it's really disappointing...and obviously you people have to visit Colombia before believing in all this crap that they made people believe in this movie (the worst i've ever seen)

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Amin Jacoub

I rarely have an opportunity to watch kind of a movies like this. There is of course audience that like that kind of entertainment: simple story, action packed etc., but if you look on it more seriously, this movie is better to avoid. It don't have any character, only cheap presentation of low level quality entertainment and highly predictable plot. I can't give you complete review of the movie because I could not watch it more than an hour, but as far I saw, from the camera work to the actors presentation and directing it is really one of those movies recommended for drive in movie cinemas. Behind enemy lines original was quite watchable movie, the sequel I did not see, but this one... will they go further with this devastating concept? Anyway if you want to see this movie better rent it first, because if you are serious movie admirer don't waste your time in the cinema or worse, don't buy it. For other kind of audience it is up to you.

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