A Woman Possessed
A Woman Possessed
| 20 June 1968 (USA)
A Woman Possessed Trailers

An evil princess who kills her lovers is condemned by the Inquisition. Four centuries later she returns with the help of a vampire and tries to live forever in the body of an identical woman.

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A vampire hypnotizes the descendant of his long-lost love to force her into killing off members of her family so he can raise her again, and when they discover the ruse, set out to stop the whole affair.Pretty decent Gothic Mexican vampire effort, with some fun set-ups in the beginning and ending, in the former with it being a direct rip from another classic Horror film but oddly fits into the action nicely, while the finale manages to mix in pain transference, hypnosis and other elements with Gothic surroundings to produce some fun and a good ending, and mixed with some sleaze and some bloodshed during the middle portion, keeps it at least somewhat watchable. Throughout it all, though, one nagging flaw keeps resurfacing in that there's absolutely nothing at all shown to make us fearful of the vampire since he never gets into action and hypnotizes the girl to do the dirty work while he's off-screen, leaving him absent for the majority of the time. Not a great way to ensure fear in your lead, despite the promise within the plot, so overall it lowers it somewhat but not enough to completely discard it at all.Today's Rating/R: Violence, Nudity and some language

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