NR | 14 May 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This awfully written, exaggerated cliché telenovela has proved to be overrated. I had heard it was great for teenagers, so I decided to give it a try. I'd say teenage girls are generally mature enough to understand that Violetta's and other characters' behavior is not an example to follow. But there are 5 year old girls out there who keep watching this show, which could influence them negatively.While watching Violetta, you'll notice that 16 year old teenagers act like kids who have no morals whatsoever, crazy people don't get send to psychiatric hospitals, and illegal actions are never punished.Disney kept on promoting it over and over, like it was some kind of masterpiece, but it really isn't. It got an undeserved huge success all over the world, exceptionally in France, Argentina and other Latin regions. This is really not something I'd recommend. There are better shows out there. Do yourself a favor, don't waste your time on this.

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    Alannah Purslow

    I came across Violetta on Youtube in its original language: Spanish. I started to watch it. Even though I only understood very little, I really liked the songs and some of the characters and plots within the series. Violetta ignited my passion to learn languages and without Violetta I probably would not be taking Spanish for GCSE.I've read a few reviews that are on IMDb about the show. Some I agree with and some opinions I consider and respect but I don't completely agree with. I know that, yes, there is a lot of lying involved with the plots of the show and while, yes, it does seem to give off negative messages, I don't think that that was their intention. I think it simply shows some aspects of people and the real world. However I could be reading too much into it, but that is my opinion.As for the English dubbing... I could not agree more. Some parts do not sound good in English like they do in Spanish and they don't even resemble the actor's real voices. Some songs in English don't even make sense! Literally none! In my opinion, Violetta's character is lovable but by season 3 you start to become a little bored and irritated by her. Yes, she is naïve and young, we understand that, but she doesn't even know how to see through people! You would think that after what happened with Diego she would wise up and be more wary of people.Another thing which I think becomes a little 'meh' over time is Violetta's relationship with Leon. While they are very cute together and I do like them as a couple, towards the end, their relationship dynamic becomes very predictable and it takes the enjoyment out of some of their plot lines. You can basically predict what the other is going to say when something bad happens.Also, my mum and I have noticed that through different characters, the subplots of season 3 are very closely, almost exactly mirroring its previous seasons but with very subtle differences. For example with Clement (Season 3). Clement is a member of the Studio but he lies to his father and tells him that he is in business school because that's where his father wants him to go. (Season 1) Violetta hides to her dad that she is a part of the Studio. When she's preparing for the final show, German comes into the auditorium where they are rehearsing. Violetta manages to run and miss him. (Season 3) Clement is in a show to promote the Studio. His father comes to watch the show with Jade. He is seen by his father but manages not to reveal the truth.I think of Nicolas and Jade's marriage just about resembles that of an arranged marriage. They don't really like each other. Jade is just using Nicolas to get over German. Much like German uses Jade to get over Angie. Luckily he doesn't marry her and ends up with Angie. Yay! With some shows, you can mirror the previous seasons and it can be done so well. Violetta doesn't mirror everything well. Some of the mirroring, when you think about it, is clever, but most of it is just predictable and makes you fed up.Contrary to all the negativeness, I personally think that the most realistic and best written character is Angie. All of her plot lines make sense. Her reactions make sense. Her feelings make sense. The German and Angie relationship dynamic is romantic but realistic and portrays an adult relationship very well. Angie shows what it is like to be a good aunt. Angie is my favourite because you never get bored of her. :) All in all, the series is very good for learning a language, the soundtrack is catchy and well written, and I still really like to watch it.

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    J P

    Honestly, it's like Disney is insulting our intelligence with this show that falls into every cliché imaginable. (Spoilers!)The good girl, evil stepmom, mean, popular girl, overprotective dad, dead mom, and all the love triangles between characters. The kids are petty, stupid, and are only able to embody one character trait (so 2D!). What's worse is that even the adults act like children! There's nothing wrong with interjecting a little fantasy in a TV show, but Violetta is completely unrealistic. (End spoiler.)I don't know what possessed Disney to air this garbage, but I hope it gets cancelled soon.

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    When Violetta first came out in the Netherlands, Disney already spammed their channels full of advertisements for the show. And I can conclude that this show is just another marketing series to rip off little girls in buying merchandise. The people who wrote the storyline didn't have any inspiration. It's just another "Girl moves to a new school and find two boyfriends" cliché. But that is not the worst part. I've watched many TV shows and have seen a lot of horrible dialog, but this is a new depth. The characters are just acting childish. From the arrogant She-thinks-she-is-the-best-person-in-the-world-but-has-no-talent- type-girl to the Perfect-talented-honest-wants-everybody-happy-girl. For the main character Violetta, she is just a girl who wants to famous. She listens always to her heart and only wants to do good things. She is to say "The perfect girl." And in my opinion "The perfect girl" is something you want to avoid in anything. Disney wants girls to say: I want to be like her. However she also lies to her dad and justifies that it is OK to lie to your parents when YOU think you're doing something that is the best for you. This may be the case in this show but in real life most parents DO know what's best for their child. Since Violetta is made for little girls, the writers decided to let the boys act like ten year old boys. The whole progression of the overall story is really slow so Disney can just keep airing this trash instead on spending money on a real show, and whenever the story progresses eventually you will see the same over and over since all parts in the story are exactly the same. And although I shouldn't actually talk about the other reviews, everyone who give this series a 10 is behaving like a Justin Bieber fan girl. They are so brainwashed by Disney channel that they don't see that this program is trash. Just like the Beliebers are so brainwashed that they can't see how worthless that guy is. Almost all Disney Channel programs are crap (Fair to say about 99%) but this show is the the deepest you can get. That's why I am giving it 1 star.Also, sorry for my broken English. It's not my native language.

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