The Fixer
The Fixer
| 04 September 2015 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews

    The first episode was promising with good sfx and a good sound plot and story line, however it quickly went down hill from then. The script took a tumble and the dialogue, direction and production worsened from show to show leaving the lead actors looking embarrassed. Much of the plot had huge holes in it leaving basic questions unanswered. I also got the impression the sfx budget was quickly eaten up in episodes one and two as the last episode in the season was quite poor showing only a partial explosion with an actual fizzling out of the story. On the whole very disappointing and a show I will not miss or even seek out if a season two is ever made. A new team with better story, script writing, direction and production and also a move away from the secret organisation creating disasters might make for a better show. I also found it strange that this season only had four episodes.

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