Paranormal Lockdown
Paranormal Lockdown
TV-14 | 04 March 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    A fabulously unique take on ghost hunting which is so refreshing. Half the show isn't eaten up by pointless interviews, or demons or ego trips, or "possessions". Nick and Katrina do what any decent ghost hunters should do, and go far and wide for their hunts. I was gob-smacked when they investigated the Black Monk house. GA is only still popular because of Zaks following of girls and guys that find him attractive. Congrats Nick and Katrina, this show is great.

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    This show is so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The two hosts can't act for crap. Please don't make another season.Boring, Boring, Boring.They have no chemistry together, two boring people who can't act for crap.Nick should go back to the other show he was on. She should just get off TV, she sucks.The show is so fake & stupid. They should lock down the two hosts.Please take this show off TV. It is really awful. They should be embarrassed to be on it.They can send a man to the moon, can't they make a good paranormal show with people on it who don't seem like they are dead themselves?Please make a good paranormal show not this crap.

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    Terri Lynn

    Well, I give him credit for trying to be human and talk to the viewers but too scripted on the other extreme. If they sleep, please wake up looking like you just woke up..... That is NOT normal. I always feel like there are added things to make it seem more surreal or spooky. Sometimes I got the feeling that we were given information to help, but also the viewer who watches this is not an idiot either. Work out the kinks and quit leading our feelings with the LOUD music and that would help a lot. I get intrigued, but the damn music overplays it. Also, try to be original and not always the same questions for the "spirits."I will try one more time, but fake talk or "acting" in a reality show turns me off. Don't cover up EVP stuff, but don't add in extra stuff either.

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    Personally, this is THE best paranormal show I have seen. I have watched shows about ghosts and the paranormal, for as many years as they have been aired. I am a believer, as I have experienced many things throughout my life, and was part of a paranormal investigator group for several years as well. I feel that Nick is one of the most genuine investigators I have seen, and I am very happy he embarked on this project of his own. He is staying true what I believe he intended all along, and I hope to see much more of this from him and Katrina. I love the fact that they spend 3 days at a location, and that for part of the time, it is only the two of them there. It helps to decrease contamination of EVP's when there aren't so many people around that could make noise, and possibly make it so you aren't sure of what you're hearing. I truly hope this show will be successful, and that we will see MANY more seasons to come!

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