Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo
TV-MA | 16 October 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I've been out of the loop in terms of Adult Swim programming for a while, and recently came across Frisky Dingo via OnDemand. Not knowing anything about the show, but finding the title hilarious, I figured "Oh what the hell". I'm glad I did. As a matter of fact, I bought the season one DVD shortly after watching my first Frisky Dingo episode. Now I'm just craving for more. I find the characters hilarious, especially Killface. His dialog alone is worth watching the show.Watching shows like The Venture Brothers, I was happy that Cartoon Network was actually creating "smart" cartoons geared towards adults. Frisky Dingo is absolutely hilarious and a must see.

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    Frisky Dingo (along with Metalocalypse) is easily the best show that Adult Swim has put out since Aqua Teen! The show is about the rivalries between a supervillain and superhero, who are probably the most incompetent pair of idiots in the history of television. The 'villain' is Killface; an anthrogendered guy that never wears clothes, has a rather passive friendly attitude and is really a nice loving father, despite his occasional tendency to kill people in front of their friends and make puppets out of their corpses. The 'hero' is Xander Cruz; a self centered billionaire playboy that is a tad bit promiscuous, and pretty much gets his way with everything, especially when it comes to his girlfriend.The two are constantly trying to outwit the other's ambitions for raising enough money to run a promotion for destroying the world, market a successful toy line, defeat the other in the Presidential Elections, or pay off hookers not to revel one's identity, to name a few.Whether it's the brilliant one-liners, the constant awkward silences, the humorous social commentary on American lifestyles, or the hilarious cultural references; Frisky Dingo is just an amazingly funny show that is a non-stop laugh fest from start to finish. Also, unlike most adult swim programs, the show actually does have a organized plot to it, although it's not necessary to follow, it does add a great deal to the show's enjoyment.10/10

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    I would like to exclaim my undying support to the boys and girls at Adult Swim for making fine 18-35 demographic television for smart, funny people who have an often times ironic lifestyle. this show is another shining example of why i call Adult Swim "Television's Candy"- because, well it so is. the characters are often confused and normal- concerned with Cobra insurance and HMOs but the social commentary, once again, makes Cartoon Network look even better by allowing off-color humor to become a valuable, if not indispensable, part of entertainment. i cannot get enough of Killface. his sexual ambiguity and the violence that are sometimes even absurd for his "villain-esque" character make me giggle with delight. my boyfriend and i quote this show on a regular basis. i am now simply waiting on the DVD and a new season. this, i hope, is the future of television for my age. a 30-something adult with existential googly eyes awaiting more absurd TV. the genius of this show is fast dialog and a nurturing of characters like only the makers of sea lab could provide. bravo guys.

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    i absolutely love this show. you'd think after venture brothers and the tick a super hero send up would be old and tiresome by now, but the incredible humorists from sealab 2021 do a great job of exposing a new side to the comic motif.most obvious is the way they use the corporate structure to mock super heroes. Xander crews is an incompetent CEO, Kill face is a struggling business man. I especially liked the part where killface lost his health insurance for his favorite though are the "tender" moments between killface and his son simon. its hard being a single father, harder still when you're trying to blow up the world.this is fast becoming my favorite adult swim show, i think its even better than robot chicken and Aqua teen hunger force.

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