Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia
Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia
| 28 October 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    maz underscore

    I'm Australian, have lived in Sydney most my life, and after watching Bill Connolly's World Tour of Australia, it's obvious to me that he knows more about my country that I do! Billy takes us to Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Rottenest Island and other beautiful places. He swims with dolphins, climbs the Opera House and Harbor Bridge and has some other amazing experiences which are a treat to watch. This tour is entertaining, inspiring, educational and it's interspersed with segments from his stand up shows, which are, as always, hilarious.Great for fans of Billy and fans of travel.

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    Billy Connolly is a very funny bloke - always has been, always will be. This travelogue had me glued to the screen - as much for Billy's account of Australia as for his jokes. The only problem I can see with it is that he spends waaaaay too much time in Sydney. (I live in Melbourne!).

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