Better Call Saul
Better Call Saul
TV-MA | 08 February 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Not a lot of action, dark and twisted. Slow and scarse dialogue. You'll be falling asleep for couple season then gets better. I like it when Saul is hustling people but when his brother enters the scene.... it's back to sadness. Nothing like Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad so it's quiet a shock at first. The journey there is what the writers wanted I guess. For me it started at a2 rating, then couple seasons it's at a 7 just because of all the characters that show up that we love.

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    This could have been a very good series. Instead it is like a house guest who doesn't know when it's time to go home. Three seasons in and the material could have been covered in six episodes. They are just dragging this thing out forever. Just because you have a TV series with ten episodes of 44 minutes (or whatever it is) doesn't mean you can just show someone walking for a minute. Tell a story. Tell stories. Literally, every scene is too long. How could someone write this? Stop wasting our time.If you examine this series you would have to agree that they drag almost every scene along to absurd lengths. Do they realize that you don't actually have to show someone on camera walking across a street, for example? You can just show the person taking a step in that direction and then cut. In the next cut you can show them on the other side. Basic film making. This is a problem with many series and feature films. They have no idea of how much time they need to tell their particular story. I can't count how many feature films I have seen recently that go well beyond the standard 90 minutes, and for no real reason. Netflix cranks out lots of bad movies that go two hours that could be trimmed to 45 minutes, easily. This show is one of the worst (best?) examples of feet dragging. It's excruciating to watch.Just watch the first scene in the first episode of Season 4. It clocks in at a bit over eight minutes. It tells us very, very little. Eight minutes is an eternity. Most comedy series clock in at 22 minutes for an entire episode so thus scene would have been more than a third of a show. This is only one example and I could list dozens and dozens of this same wasting of time.I wish that I knew exactly how much screen time was spent agonizing over Hector Salamanca's heart pills. Jesus, talk about extreme over-kill.

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    This is probably one of the best TV shows I've ever watched. I did watch Breaking Bad up until season 3, mainly because of all the hype and my own curiosity. While I agree it was a good show, I was never really that interested in drug/cartel type of story line. I watched Better Call Saul because I've always liked Saul, didn't know I'd be hooked. I think Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould could write any type of TV show and it will be a hit. They're just brilliant, and this is a very brilliant show, don't miss it!

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    Been a fan of Odenkirk since Larry Sanders. He really came into his own on Breaking Bad. Super happy for him that he finally got a leading role. He does a great job. The whole cast is great.

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