Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica
TV-PG | 17 September 1978 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Used to love this as a kids. It still has a certain charm. So many good actors and great episodes.

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    It is very easy to see why 'Battlestar Galactica' was popular at the time, even with its early cancellation, and had high ratings, as well as still having people very fond of it.At the same time it is also easy to pick faults with 'Battlestar Galactica', which through adult eyes is an uneven show with the flaws much more noticeable. With me, there is still fondness for it from a nostalgic point of view, it fascinated and entertained me as a child and it still does now as a young adult. However, 'Battlestar Galactica' is a long way from a perfect show and could have done far more with the potential it had. It is a long way from a bad show, just not great.There is a lot to like. Apart from costumes and hairstyles that feel very 70s and date the show a bit, repetitive use of effects and lack of scope for space itself (space is huge, this felt pretty compact), the look of 'Battlestar Galactica' is fine. The sets are eye-catching, it's very nicely shot and the effects themselves were great for the 70s and even though used in a repetitious and recycled fashion hold up reasonably well now with the odd limitation here and there.With the music, one has to love the rousing bombast and playful energy of the scoring, while the theme tune is up there with the most iconic theme tunes of any show from the 70s and of the sci-fi genre. There are many nice moments in the script, with some knowing humour and thought-provoking opening narration and closing quotes. Tonally and quality-of-plots-wise, 'Battlestar Galactica' is inconsistent. When it was not good it was cringe-worthy ("The Young Lords", especially the annoying interplay of the child actors and the child actors themselves) but when it was good it was fantastic ("War of the Gods" took a darker and bolder approach and at the same time ended up epitomising what the show is all about).'Battlestar Galactica's' stories could have benefited better from having a time-line, which would have made the tone more focused and the quality of stories more consistent. Due to that the show can get bogged down by some childish antics, that turned out not to be cheesy in a good way it sometimes got embarrassing (like they were trying too hard to appeal to children or a family-friendly audience). As well as too many homages (like in "The Magnificent Warriors" or that clumsy and weird cowboy in space episode "Lost Warrior" - in an attempt to appeal to older audiences, indicating a confusion as to which target audience to aim it at- that serve little relevance or point, loses the whole focus of the story in question and like they'd forgotten what the quest was. When it took a darker and bolder approach with more challenging subjects, it was often very engrossing and that approach could have been explored even more.Most of the characters work very well, Starbuck (a favourite among fans and with good reason) and dignified Adama are my favourites. Apollo and Boomer are also great. The exceptions are the child actors in "The Young Lords", annoying and trying-too-hard-to-be-cutesy Boxey (played to not much better effect by Noah Hathaway, who went on to give a great performance in 'The NeverEnding Story', so the blame lies on the writing not Hathaway) and the less said about Muffit II (especially painful in his very over-exposed role in "Fire in Space") the better. The Cylons are also inconsistently characterised, sometimes menacing at other idiotic and made to look like fools.The performances, apart from the children, are in fine keeping with the show and hold up well on their own, Lorne Green, Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict being especially good. Patrick Macnee, Herbert Jefferson Jnr and John Colicos are sterling support as well.In conclusion, uneven but entertaining. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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    Watched the Series as a kid, watched it again as an Adult , and the series is Timeless. If they simply reedit the episodes and edit out the computers and enhance graphics a bit the show still holds true. What this show offers you is , story telling. Apllo & Starbuck's friendship while fighting cylons. Loren Green's amazing performance as Adama , he is really very convincing. The Actor who played Baltar , when you will see him act and them compare his emotions and facial expressions you will understand the quality of his acting. Not to mention the awesome Cylons. What do I love about the show , sense of Alien Culture they don't make many reference to Earth's culture. They have their own identity and terminology. Amazing special effects similar to Star War's 1 type battle scenes, considering it was a TV show not a movie , the production was superb.Great performances by Dirk Benidict as Starbucks , a lovable character who told jokes even in the darkest of situations. Unique topics dealing with Technology, Humanity, Government and strategy in space warfare. Can't imagine the show with out STARBUCK played by Dirk BenidictMaren Jensen , is the best female space girl she is in the showThe best part of show is the feel good factor of the show , and sense of family , and positive role models like Appolo , Boomer and to some extent Starbucks.The costumes wore by the actors are superb and the sound effects are superb and the Battle Ship sequences are amazing as well Its enough to say it inspires people to use their imaginations , specially kids to play as space pilots and think of exploring space

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    I'm not a big Battlestar Galactica fan, but it was an okay TV show for what it was. In retrospect the show, to me anyway, was clearly aimed at at kids, and was also clearly riding off of the success of Lucas's Star Wars the year before. But, other than the obvious production design similarities between Star Wars and Larson's TV production, there was something that was holding back a better series; a diversity of stories, and a willingness to engage original sci-fi tales.A lot of sci-fi is penned by psychologists as an offer of thought experiments to peers, to offer possible treatments for mental illness and as possible origins for social problems stemming from said illnesses, and possible solutions thereof. Battlestar Galactica is a little more prosaic in that it uses conventional tales for its show instead of the over use of psychological mumbo-jumbo, which is a welcome relief on one level. But, on another level, because the show is aimed at a family audience, you get a fairly vanilla flavored sci-fi experience that lacks the drama of a Star Wars or Star Trek, but tries to make up for it in the scope and scale of the action presented on the small TV screen.The invention and use of "alien" lexicon for the characters seemed neat, and added a flavor to the world in which we are presented. Little tidbits like the use of ancient Egytian culture as a basis for a society also add a kind of familiar and foreign all at once kind of flavor to the overall production. There're lasers, there're robot bad guys, there're heroes, villains, some fairly basic stories.Overall it's a solid production, but, like Star Wars, I can't say I'm a fan of it. In fact I would say that even though I'm not a Star Wars fan, I'm more of a Star Wars fan than I ever will be a BSG fan, but that's my personal preference. Even so I like the show for what it is, and am sorry it didn't thrive better than it should have.After Star Wars hit the theatres there was talk of a Star Wars TV series, that never materialized. I'm sorry it didn't. It would have been interesting to see that TV show go head to head against Battlestar Galactica in both ratings and reviews.Battlestar Galactica itself centers around a space-"aircraft"-carrier of sorts, that borrows the concept of today's carrier steam catapults to get Hornets and other craft into the air, and launches Viper space fighters via a launch tube. The carrier, or Battlestar, doesn't have any escorts (which might have helped the show's staying power if it had) but a long train of survivalist vessels. Her crew and those they protect and guide encounter a plethora of threats from without and within their own ranks. Not the best show ever made, but certainly worth looking at once.Give it a try.

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