Zombie Nightmare
Zombie Nightmare
R | 13 October 1987 (USA)
Zombie Nightmare Trailers

Tony Washington is killed by a gang of rampant trendy teenagers. Molly Mokembe is a voodoo lady who brings him back from the dead to seek revenge on his killers so he can rest in peace.


Zombie Nightmare (1987) 1/2 (out of 4) As a young kid Tony saw his father murdered a couple punks after he tried to stop them from raping a girl. Flash forward several years and Tony breaks up a robbery but he's soon ran over by a group of five punks (including Tia Carrere). His mother can't believe she's lost a husband and now a son so she has a voodoo princess bring Tony back so he can seek revenge.ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE is yet another film from the 80's that was made for very little money and the results are pretty awful. There were countless zombies movies made during the decade and from what I've seen this here is the very worse. There really isn't anything good about this picture except for the Motorhead soundtrack and the brief appearance by Adam West, the original TV Batman.I watched this movie the same day news broke that West had passed away. As I was watching this movie it struck me that I had rented this on VHS as a kid but I remember turning it off half-way through because of how bad it was. I mean, you've got a sequence here where a horny couple get into a hot tub yet they both keep their clothes on including the woman pretty much being fully clothed! The death scenes are all extremely lame, pretty non-violent and there's certainly no gore.As far as the lead zombie goes, he's very non-threatening and there's certainly no drama or suspense to be found anywhere. THe performances are bad, the direction is bad and there's just not too much going on here entertainment wise. As I said, it's fascinating getting to see West in his brief role here but even he can't save this mess. The film's opening credits feature Motorhead's Ace of Spades and that's certainly the highlight of this watered-down and rather lame horror movie.

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This film has one of those misleading titles, kind of like the Italian film Zombie Holocaust. Both titles lead one to assume that there is going to be hordes of the living dead terrorizing a community or something and generally doing zombie stuff. In that film, you got very few zombies and they didn't really do anything much. In this one, you get like one or two zombies, but at least they do some terrorizing. However, this comes in the form of revenge rather than the living dead wanting to feast upon the flesh of the living. I saw this film on Mystery Science Theater 3000, but I am sure it has probably made the rounds on cable stations back in the day. One of those films that have one or two actors of note and a really cheap budget that mostly went to the one or two actors.The story has a man killed while protecting a young girl from two hoodlums. Flash years later and the son of that man is playing baseball and doing okay. Unfortunately, after stopping a robbery he is ran over by a gang of preppy teens that really know how to break the rules! Well, the mother has already lost her husband so she is understandably upset now that her son too, has passed away. She gets the woman that her husband helped so long ago and is a voodoo priestess to resurrect her son so that he may get his revenge on his killers! Meanwhile, a young cop struggles with the case of the teens being killed while his captain seems to know more than he is letting on! This made for a rather funny episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. When this episode first appeared, Adam West, who was in the movie, actually hosted a marathon of MST3K episodes that led up to the premier of this film on Comedy Central. Back in the day, MST3K literally put Comedy Central on the map and they used the show often to keep its viewership, kind of makes no sense that they canned it. The episode though was funny, my favorite joke being when the bat wielding zombie was chasing the blond and Servo goes, "George Romero's, Casey's at bat!" So, in the end a bad film that was notable because of Adam West's appearance and I guess Tia Carrere. Though she was kind of famous mainly because Michael Myer's was apparently obsessed with her. She was not really all that good at acting, your basic horror level talent and she was an absolutely dreadful singer. She probably would have done good in adult films though. The zombie effects, what little there were, were done okay as they did manage a good effect at the end with the zombie melting. And despite what Mike and the bots thought, Motorhead's Ace of Spades is an awesome song and one hell of a way to kick off a movie. It was my favorite part!

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When "Tony Washington" (Jon Mikl Thor) is accidentally killed in an auto accident his mother goes to a voodoo priestess named "Molly Mokembe" (Manuska Rigaud) to avenge his death. Molly turns Tony into a zombie and he is given a mission to kill the five teenagers who were joy-riding in the car that night. So much for the plot. Now, initially I figured that with Adam West (as "Captain Tom Churchman") and Tia Carrere ("Amy") in this movie that they would lend some credibility to this picture. And while they did okay, the rest of the cast was awful. Additionally, the action scenes were terrible, the sets looked cheap and the special effects were just plain silly. Likewise, the music of "Motorhead" and the other bands featured in the soundtrack wasn't good enough to radically improve this film either. In short, this film is pretty bad. That said, I have rated it accordingly. Definitely below average.

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"Zombie Nightmare" is appallingly bad. I've seen plenty of low-budget productions and few compare with the complete misuse of resources here. There's one scene where a zombie chases a girl through a recreational facility with embarrassing cuts back and forth between the girl who is 'leisurely jogging' as the MST3k bots put it and the slowest and least menacing zombie in the history of film.This is one of few movies which is actually just about unbearable without either teaming up with a bunch of people to rip it apart or watching the MST3k version (which is hilarious, by the way, one of the best). The only things remotely entertaining about the movie are the laughably bad sexual innuendo and the obvious: Adam West. Let's face it, Adam West is just entertaining in any setting. Other than the sexual innuendo which really is laughable, there's not much here to enjoy even on a 'so bad it's good' level- it's just BAD.The film boasts one of the funniest and weirdest title sequences I've ever seen, and one which leads to a hilarious conversation about "Ace of Spades" in the MST3k version.Watching the non-MST3k version just results in seeing more of the sexual violence and hilariously bad gore cut out of the MST3k version. I can't see why anyone that isn't obsessive like myself would want to watch the original version of this film. It's torture.1/10

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