G | 16 February 2018 (USA)
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Trailers

Two star-crossed freshmen – a zombie, Zed and a cheerleader, Addison – each outsiders in their unique ways, befriend each other and work together to show their high school and the Seabrook community what they can achieve when they embrace their differences.


A very nice movie to watch with your family, great message about accepting others differences, because our differences make us who we are, so be yourself.

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I haven't watched Disney movies lately but this movie definitely caught my attention. When I watched it I really enjoyed it!

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Z-O-M-B-I-E-S is an allegorical film about racism, it does not really hide its subject matter. It is really a shame that it looks rather cheap and the song & dance numbers seem to be so unmemorable. It just looks like a Disney television movie that was quickly knocked off and they hope the young teens will like it enough.Some years after a zombie infestation, they are now deemed to be harmless as they can control their urges through a device. Zombies are now allowed to integrate at high school with humans.Charming Zed wants to play college football but the Zombies discover that integration is not something that humans are really keen on. However he befriends freshman Addison, she wants to be a cheerleader and decides to join their cause to be accepted.It is a shame that the script was not more polished.

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Disney hyped this movie quite a bit, and it was worth the wait. Our kids love the songs, and they'll stick in your head.I'm surprised to see so many people comparing this negatively to the Descendents. I think Decendents 1, 2, and Zombies are all fun, but I thought the songs in Zombies actually sounded like they were sung by the actors compared to Descendents' heavily autotuned tracks. Some people have complained about "bad lip synching", which I saw very little of. If I had one complaint about the songs, it's that a couple of them are actually re-used in different tempos/tones, and it would be nice to have some more originals.The story is cute albeit predictable (then again, what kids movies aren't predictable?). It's got enough plot twists to keep you entertained though, and the acting is very good overall (aside from some extras). And as I mentioned in the title, the overall theme/message of the movie is a good one, and I disagree with some of the negative reviews that it's too hamfisted.Overall, I definitely recommend this movie to parents of younger kids.

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