Threads of Destiny
Threads of Destiny
PG-13 | 23 February 2014 (USA)
Threads of Destiny Trailers

94 years after The Battle of Yavin, the New Republic has been resurrected and democracy once again rules the galaxy. The Jedi Order is reestablished on the planet Yavin 4, and has continued to train new Jedi Knights in the art of peace and justice. But all is not peaceful in this new world. With the fall of the Dark Empire, the ancient Skenvi Empire now comes out of the shadow to make its move. The Skenvi now oppose the New Republic for control over the galaxy with their aggressively growing empire. The Skenvi seek to seize control of all the galaxy's most valuable resources to cripple their enemies. And if a planet refuses to join them, they have been known to take very aggressive actions. Caught in between this struggle over the fate of the galaxy is the little planet of Coreign. The planet possesses a very powerful resource that would greatly favor the side that has access to it if a galactic war was to emerge.


Do not waste your time. The now 14-year-old fan film vignette "Knight Quest" is a gem compared to this (youtube it), and even it is far from perfect. I was expecting something along the lines of the quality of the fan-created "Star Trek Phase II". This was no such endeavor.I do applaud both their efforts and intentions. But being somewhat exposed to both tons of written fan fiction and video fan fiction of the Star Wars genre over the last 11 years (which I daresay the makers of this film would have benefited from reviewing), I have to say this movie comes across like one long Star-Wars self-pat on the back. As if the creators are saying to you, "Hey, it's Star Wars and WE made it, therefore it must be good, and YOU will think it's good too."The love story is really where this film falls short; weak and predictable. Doctor Who proved in the 1970s you can tell a fantastic story with a minimal set and special effects budget.The story aside... The changed lightsaber sound effects from SoundFX Master Ben Burrt's original format are absolutely horrid. The overall story arc is slow paced and far from interesting. Characterization...bad...the characters lack any real depth. And the acting is terrible, especially the character Jedi Master Soran Darr (I don't know whether this was bad directing or bad acting, but I've never seen a more wooden performance of a Star Wars character, which makes him the only memorable character to me in the film, and not for good reasons).Overall the movie almost feels like what would have happened if Star Wars had been made into a bad underfunded made-for-TV-movie in the 80s.I will say one good thing about it...the video effects were very decent, but poorly integrated anytime they had to be mixed with the live action sequences. But even this would be completely excusable for me if not for what I listed above.As stated, I applaud both their effort and intent - as this movie was well-hyped among the fan community long before it was released - but that is where my platitudes end. Given that in their efforts the makers of this film could conjure a project of this magnitude – a fan made Star Wars film - it's somewhat perplexing that they also couldn't seem to come up with better writers, directors and actors who would be willing to work for free as a labor of love for Star Wars (and let's be realistic, they HAVE to exist out there in vast numbers -- this is, after all Star Wars). If I had to guess, there was more nepotism involved in the cast and crew more than there was talent consideration, but I could be wrong about that. Perhaps the creators of this film will learn from their mistakes. Or perhaps they will go on listening only to their good reviewers and continue to put out the same product as before.I remember waiting a long time for Threads of Destiny to come out, I was actually very excited about it. A large disappointment, even for a fan film.

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Geek Furious

If you want to be impressed by special effects on-the-cheap, then this is the movie for you. Provided you watch less than 10-minutes of it. Otherwise, the writing is pedestrian at best and atrocious at worst. The acting isn't much better. However, I could have stomached that if the editing had been tight. Unfortunately, the pacing is set to the speed of poured molasses. The creators needed to cut about 40% of the material they presented.At the end of the day, this is just a hot mess of self-love. I wouldn't be shocked if the creators thought they were making the next great epic Star Wars story. Instead, they've just emphasized that if you were good enough to make a great movie, you wouldn't be making fan-fiction.

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Jesse Boland

I could not believe what I was watching for the first few minutes, as I kept expecting that this was going to be Lego, or that badly cell-shaded animation. Then bop like that you see that this is a real live human acted movie, and it is a full hour, and forty plus minutes long. They have taken the time to film each separate character in the background and place them into the movie like one of those old stencil rub-on cereal box prizes. There is a very deep, and fleshed out story, that the actors all seem very intent on presenting, and there is no shortage of completely copied Star Wars images, and backgrounds. However this is just so hard to watch. The entire thing feels like a video game from the 90's cutscene, and there is a weakness to the acting that bogs every scene down while you wait for the actors to remember their lines. I did not Enjoy this movie at all, but I am more of a Star Trek kind of person so I would recommend this to die hard ubber-fans of Star Wars, and no one else. It is just too hard, and painful to watch for me, and I'm certain that most people will feel the same. Such a shame though as they really do try.Jesse of

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For a fan film, this is a huge undertaking I bet. I found it not so well executed, as the acting, directing, screenplay, script are mostly amateuristic. The audio was fairly nice and the CGI is jumping out as the classy aspect of this movie. Impressive, really. The blue-key was not properly applied and it shows, badly.We see a Jedi master, kind of Obi wan, and the prodigy, kind of like Anakin. Throughout the film there are lots of scenes and lines that look very familiar. It seems this film is more like a tribute, re-hashing bits from the originals, stitched together with a story around a truly naive princess.Also some action scenes were fairly nicely done, where one can see they had to make do with little equipment. Conclusion: not all was that bad. I was slightly entertained, but the big damper is the lack of consistency. I just couldn't just go with it you know. The only way to watch this and properly enjoy it, is to be a true Star Wars fan.Key to understanding this movie is not to compare it with big budget studio productions

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