The People vs. George Lucas
The People vs. George Lucas
| 14 March 2010 (USA)
The People vs. George Lucas Trailers

The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate relationship. This hilarious, heartfelt documentary delves deep into Lucas’s cultural legacy, asking all the tough questions. Has Lucas betrayed his masterwork? Should he just have left the original trilogy alone? Is The Phantom Menace so bad it should carry a health warning? Utilizing interviews taken from over 600 hours of footage, and peppered with extraordinary Star Wars and Indiana Jones recreations lovingly immortalized in song, needlepoint, Lego, claymation, puppets and paper-mâché, above all this film asks the question: who truly owns that galaxy far, far away—the man who created it, or the fans who worship it?

Pierre Boulang Moreau

This was a very interesting and kind of emotional doc to watch. As a big Star Wars fan, I like most other Star Wars fans, have felt at least a little burned by George Lucas on a few occasions. I can mostly forgive those things since he has also done so many great things via his stories. I don't hate the prequels, but they are certainly not as good as the originals. They have their fair share of problems, but I still find enjoyment in them and I'm still thankful for what he has give the world. I look forward to future films, now that it has been taken out of his hands and is being stewarded by Disney moving forward.

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As a big Star Wars fan I had heard only a brief mention of this movie some months ago, so I was happy to stumble upon it in Netflix's instant library.What I liked about the film was that they got some hardcore (sometimes scary) fanboys but also some really reputable creative people to discuss the films. Mostly Star Wars fans but also some film industry types. I also enjoyed how they wove so many fan films into it. It will never cease to amaze me how much Star Wars content is out there, and as big a fan as I am I never knew so many people had taken time out to create such things. It's astounding, and again sometimes a little scary haha.I also enjoyed the opinions that were given. Mind you I am one of those people that has been very frustrated by Lucas in the last 15 years so take it for what it's worth, but I thought they were fair and that the filmmakers made sure to give some grounded perspective on the issues people take with the new films and the re-imagining of the old ones. Questions like "Can a film be altered years after it's been established?" and "Does a creator have the right to change his work after it's been installed as a cornerstone of so many people's lives?" are addressed as I was hoping they would be.A couple of complaints would be that though they did offer some counter-arguments to us whining fanboys, there could've been more or at least an expansion of those that were there. Also, I really go into it when they broke down the re-creation of the Jabba scene from A New Hope and was hoping they would break down each subsequent change from the original trilogy, however they did not. I suppose that would've been a bit too uniform an approach but I would've liked it and I still think there would've been time to work in all the rest that was presented. I also think that they could've gotten one or two more big names to contribute their opinions. Neil Gaiman and David Brin were by far the biggest but they are not shown often and only in short spurts. Either one alone could've pretty much anchored this entire documentary, so I would've liked to see more of them or one or two more personalities like them.As far as the ending, at the risk of sounding holier than thou, I think non-Star Wars fans just don't really understand what they were trying to get across. The fact is that though so many of us love/hate Lucas, half of that is still love. No matter what he's done and will do since Return of the Jedi was finalized he has still given us something that has greatly impacted our lives and has brought us countless hours of enjoyment. The bottom line is that we complain because we care, and Lucas is the one who made us care so much. That's what the end of the film was saying.

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I had put off watching this movie for a while. I assumed it was going to be an hour and a half of George Lucas bashing. Was I wrong? Not entirely... but I wasn't right either.I will never deny that I am a fan of all 6 of the Star Wars movies. I never understood the hatred towards the prequels. In fact, people who had turned on Lucas and his recent work, REALLY bothered me. I was tired of fans flipping Lucas the bird and all that he created.In "The People vs. George Lucas" you certainly hear from many disgruntled fans, but at the same time you feel their love for Star Wars. You can see how they are frustrated, but at the same time respect the man who shaped their childhoods. It is an entertaining and well put together film featuring hilarious Star Wars fan film clips and energy-charged interview clips. It is a ball of hatred and sweet at the same time. By the end you remember why you love Star Wars, even if there are things that bother you about them... you still love them and you have to give Mr. Lucas respect for creating it all.

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Lasse Laitinen

First of all, I think of myself as a star wars fan. I've seen the movies more times than any other (not competing with crazy people but still around 20+), I had the toys and collections as a kid. Then I did grew up. I don't have the toys anymore and I don't really hate the new movies as much I should.This documentary made me so angry for so many reasons, well maybe not the documentary but the people in it. By far best definitions of "1st world problems".You can argue about adding the new scenes with cgi on 97 editions, and the dancing monkey in rotj omg, but they also did release the original theatrical cut in 2006 as DVD, so what is the crying? I think that was the key element in this film that they should release original as DVD, which they have already done many years ago. OK its the laserdisc edition, but to be honest if that doesn't count as theatrical cut, you really are just being a dick."George Lucas has stolen my childhood" - actually Lucas gave you your childhood which seems to have stolen your adulthood. Even if you love a film so much to be counted as crazy, why are these people attacking the one man who created the whole thing? All in all, its always enjoyable to see crazy people doing their thing, agree here and there but in the end the whole thing collapses on itself.

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