The Pleasure Seekers
The Pleasure Seekers
NR | 25 December 1964 (USA)
The Pleasure Seekers Trailers

A trio of gorgeous American tourists hope to find love while vacationing in Spain. Secretary Maggie Williams falls hard for a married newsman named Paul Barton while fighting off the advances of one of his employees. Singer Fran Hobson sets her sights on a handsome European doctor. And coed Susie Higgins receives an unexpected proposal from smooth-talking womanizer Emilio Lacaya.


This movie concerns itself with three young American ladies named "Maggie Williams" (Carol Lynley), "Suzie Higgins" (Pamela Tiffin) and "Fran Hobson" (Ann-Margret) who are living it up while trying to make ends meet in Madrid. Although each of them are looking for romance what they eventually find is something much more elusive than they had counted on. For example, Maggie is in love with her boss by the name of "Paul Martin" who also loves her. However, Paul is married and his wife "Jane" (Gene Tierney) has no intention of letting him go without a fight. Likewise, Suzie is in love with a notorious playboy named "Emilio Lacayo" (Anthony Franciosa) who has absolutely no intention of getting married and quickly moves on from one woman to another after he sleeps with them. Fran, on the other hand, has fallen in love with a doctor by the name of "Andres Briones" (Andre Lawrence) who is definitely higher-minded than the other two men but is extremely committed to his work and doesn't believe that Fran can adjust to his serious lifestyle. In short, each of the ladies face certain problems which may prove to be quite insurmountable. Now as far as this movie is concerned I will just say that it definitely benefited from having the three beautiful women just mentioned. All three of them were simply exquisite. Unfortunately, the story moved much too slowly and lacked the sufficient humor necessary for a comedy. Quite honestly, I found this movie to be both long and boring. That said, I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.

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Although some consider this a remake of Three Coins In The Fountain and Jean Negulescu directed both films, The Pleasure Seekers takes a decidedly less serious tack. The three women in The Pleasure Seekers are quite a bit younger than the trio in the first film and their romantic problems are similar, but not as critical.The three girls are Carol Lynley who works for an American wire service in Madrid, entertainer Ann-Margret, and Pamela Tiffin who is fresh off the boat and fresh off the farm so to speak who is bunking in with them temporarily. And all three have their romantic flings that look like they're going to go belly up, but in the end seem to work out.Lynley's is the most complex and the most interesting. She's the girl Friday of her boss Brian Keith who would like to make the association personal as well as professional. But he's slightly married to Gene Tierney. And on the other end is Gardner McKay another reporter who's interested in Lynley also, but Keith is harassing him, not because of that but because McKay is ruining his career with his late night carousing. It's what inevitably happens when personal and professional lives get mixed.Tiffin who usually was the wide eyed innocent in her salad days gets zeroed in on by Anthony Franciosa who plays a no account count who just wants into her pants. But she falls in love and if you don't know how this works out, you haven't been to too many films. Franciosa who is a favorite of mine is the best in the film.Ann-Margret accidentally gets run into by Dr. Andre Lawrence on his motor scooter. He's from the country who is in town to raise money for his clinic. Ann-Margret would like to help, but Lawrence is a macho guy and help from a woman in the culture he was raised would be looked down on. Stupid, but that's how they say it is. This is the weakest part of the film, though Ann-Margret gets some nice musical numbers.If you watched Three Coins In The Fountain you know how this one comes out. The Pleasure Seekers has no air of sadness over it that the other film has with Clifton Webb's terminal illness. The location cinematography around Madrid is nice to see and certainly stimulated tourism which I'm sure was Francisco Franco's idea in letting the American film company shoot a movie in his capital. There is not one scintilla of a hint of any dictatorship in The Pleasure Seekers.Jimmy Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn wrote some not too memorable songs for this film and it actually got an Oscar nomination for musical scoring for Alfred Newman.I was in Madrid in 2001 and it looks pretty much the same as it did in 1964. The scenery and the girls are real pretty, how can you go wrong.

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This film was mentioned in a book I have about bad movies. No, these are not incompetent films or films with horrible production values, but ones that are sleazy and over-the-top--sort of like guilty pleasures--and that is definitely true of "The Pleasure Seekers".What the producers of the film did was take the 1950s film "Three Coins in a Fountain" and inserted a lot of sexual innuendo--at least, as much as they could get away with in 1964. While I liked the original film, "The Pleasure Seekers" was far inferior because it lacked heart and subtlety--replacing it was bedroom scenes and talk about premarital sex.The film is about three young American ladies who live in Madrid and are trying to have healthy relationships while strenuously avoiding premarital least sometimes. Carol Lynley plays a career girl who has her sights set on a married man (Brian Keith) as well as a single guy. Pamela Tiffin plays a stereotypical beautiful but dumb lady. She falls for an over-sexed rich playboy (Tony Franciosa) who promises marriage but really wants another notch on the bedpost. Ann-Margret plays a woman who is infatuated with a doctor who obviously has a secret, as he plays hard to get!! After all, this IS Ann-Margret and he either must be gay or married to resist her many charms.Towards the end of the film, it appears that the three have struck out in love and two of them are preparing to go back to America. However, because this is a Hollywood-style film, you know that at least some of these relationships will work out for the best. Tune in for yourself to see where these high-minded ladies land in this trashy soap.Overall, the film sure looks nice. It was filmed in and around Madrid and is pretty just like the original film (which was filmed in and around Rome). The music is also very nice and evocative. As for the acting and writing, it all seemed rather fake--like the people were playing caricatures instead of real people. Not a whole lotta depth with these folks--just a lot of raging hormones and inconsistent behavior. It is truly a guilty pleasure--the sort of titillating fare that they no longer make but was popularized in the late 1950s to mid-1960s--just as the Production Code was on the way out.Deep and insightful? No way,...but still worth a peek. For a similar experience, try watching THE BEST OF EVERYTHING (1959) and PEYTON PLACE (1957)--two films that manage to tell similar stories but in a bit better way.

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Hi I saw this picture when I was in Newburg New York in 1964. I was very young but I thought this was the best picture I had ever seen. I must have went back to see it three and four times until it left the theater. I mean I really loved this movie.I would save my money and right after class I would go down to the movie to see it. I thought she was beautiful and the men were (hmmmmmmm). The movie was a lot of fun and the scenery was great. I miss movies like this so I would love to have this one if it is at all possible. They don't make them fun like this any more. If any one knows where I can get it on DVD or VHS please let me know. thanks and Have a wonderful and blessed day.Ree

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