The House on Pine Street
The House on Pine Street
| 28 February 2015 (USA)
The House on Pine Street Trailers

A psychological horror about a young woman coping with an unwanted pregnancy after moving into a seemingly haunted house.

James Lister

This is an intriguing movie. Although, it's categorized as a horror it doe not really come across as one to me. It's actually more of a psychological thriller than horror.Jennifer (Emily Goss) and her husband Luke (Taylor Bottles) move into this old house after Jennifer tries to commit a self abortion on herself back in Chicago. It's not too long before she starts hearing and seeing things in the house. While no one else can hear or see these things. The audience and her husband are left wondering is Jennifer insane or is there something inside that house?This is a weird film and hard to review because of that. I enjoyed it for what it was the performances were pretty great and it's a pretty decent movie. However, if you are a gore hound, then this movie isn't for you as it's a slow burn. But if you enjoy slow burn movies, then I think you will like this. But I can also understand why so many find this movie boring. As it leaves a lot in the air for you to figure out. I personally enjoyed it and found it interesting to figure out what was going on.

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It is hard to believe that this film is rated as highly as it is. The film has some basic jumps and scares - standard fare in any horror film, but the film seriously lacks any type of plot or story line. I actually wonder how this film received any financial backing given that the story is so weak. The plot can be summarised as follow: Pregnant woman and hubby move into house, creepy stuff happens, the end. There is no explanation given at any point as to what was going on in the house, or why the house was haunted. There is no plot twist or sense of building suspense or dramatic conclusion. Auxiliary characters just serve to eat up minutes of the film with pointless conversations and details that are not followed up. It is a frustrating experience. You wait for the director to take you on a scary journey, but ultimately all threads lead nowhere. The whole haunted house genre has been done to death, and you can find much more effective examples than this one. Rated 3 for some spooky parts only, but the rest is discardable stereotypical junk.

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Eerie, atmospheric and at times genuinely unsettling, its a respectable addition to the haunted house genre. The movie is probably a little too long at just under two hours, but the viewers patience during the slow build up is rewarded with some chilling scenes, added to greatly by the movies creepy sound effects which are utilized extremely craftily. The lead actress, Emily Goss, does a fine job of portraying a tortured individual, akin to the mother in The Babadook, a very different type of haunted house flick. The film makers seem to have made the most of an obviously limited budget and for the most part avoid the usual clichés/tropes movies of a similar nature often surrender to.

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I was one of this film's Kickstarter backers, so I had the privilege of watching it on DVD before it is available to the general public. I don't want to go into the plot because I detest spoilers. This was a first-time feature film, with a relatively small budget, but you wouldn't know it by the quality of the finished product. The acting is spot-on, the direction good, the sound quality is flawless (which, if you watch a lot of lower budget films, you know sound is often a disaster). Excellent cinematography, terrific casting, and the editing is first-rate.Watching a film like this at home on DVD is not the same as in a crowded theater. I didn't find "The House on Pine Street" to be a SCARY film. I did enjoy it, and found it to have a few scares within. Mostly it is higher on the creepy factor, with a sense of unease woven throughout. They avoid the most obvious clichés, and the well-rounded characters give the film a depth that is sadly missing from many of its kind.I recommend The House on Pine Street as a thinking person's horror movie. You won't jump out of your seat (well, maybe once or twice), and you won't see blood spurting everywhere. Plenty of other films to take care of those needs. THOPS doesn't try to be anything it's not; it ignores the standard definitions of genre and does its own thing, successfully.

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