The Haunting of Whaley House
The Haunting of Whaley House
| 31 July 2012 (USA)
The Haunting of Whaley House Trailers

When a tour guide breaks into America's Most Haunted House, a bit of amateur ghost hunting with friends turns into more horror than they could have ever imagined.

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OMFG, this movie was really something else! I mean, the acting was unearthly! It transcended time and space! Really, the acting was out of this world... By which I mean I truly believe all the actors were aliens and were trying to imitate human behavior. This might be my second favorite film, right after the haunting of Molly Hartley (look it up, never disappoints!) I think I peed my pants several times during this film! I couldn't believe how hard I was laughing, except maybe when the first girl died. She had her head in the game. She knew what was going down and that her friends were a bunch of assholes. Seriously, the peer pressure was real! Don't even get me started on the British black dude! His delivery was so strange... Like I said, out of this world. Then there was the randomly black cousin? Which everyone in the film was shocked by.... Maybe even they didn't know what was happening during the film...Speaking of which, there was so much that was never explained! I have so many more questions than I had when I read the synopsis. That's why I'm begging for a part 2. I need to see what happens to these jerks as they suffer in purgatory and maybe the strange old lady can answer some questions... Like where did the demon come from? Why was she obsessed with penny? Why was this movie so bad? Why didn't penny notice that there was a picture of a girl who looked just like her??? Anyway, if you enjoy watching bad horror films, this is for you. It WILL NOT disappoint! And they throw in some tits just for you! I truly enjoyed this film as a comedy! Although I didn't even want to look at the weird skin demon... Whatever that was...

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Honestly I think that this movie is the best thing I've ever seen, I was crying like the whole time about how scary is was. It was super good because not only was it scary but it was super funny too. SHOUT OUT TO MY HOME SIZZLE SLICE VANESSA WHO WAS KILLIN HER ROLE! My squad renamed her Wendy in the movie because she looks like wendy from wendys and she slayed that role i repeat SLAYYYYYED! She was basically the only reason I liked that movie. That and the fact that I was dreaming the whole movie that my squad knew how to turn up like them. Loved it. Best. Movie. Ever. Lol. My other favorite character was the fat one at the beginning who was friends with the one who was hit by a car. It was great, and I don't know why everyone is saying it is so bad. Definitely a ten out of ten stars. Basically the best thing to exist in the history of the world lol lol lol lol. Boobs were a plus.

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I have to admit, I nearly gave up watching this during the beginning scenes. But, then I thought, maybe it's suppose to be a funny sort of horror spoof. And to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure.The acting, or script writing were the main culprits here. Some times, I would think, "Ah, here we go! Someone can act!" and then see a totally different character. One character just left me befuddled all together. The British talking medium. Again, I thought he was joking throughout most of it, and that in the end, "Hey, fooled you! I'm really just a tourist looking for some action!"...Or, something.Also, and I know it was low budget, but if you can't produce realistic gore and makeup effects, go the Hitchcock way. Less, is sometimes best.So, while I wouldn't say don't watch it, just keep in mind: low budget, sub-par acting, and early 80's special effects. And you're gold! Well, silver, k maybe that's even pushing it.

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This movie was ridiculously disappointing even for a B grade film. I turned it off 30 minutes through. Acting was shocking which was a shame because the plot had potential. All in all I gave this film a three: 1 point for the promising storyline, 1 point for the gore effects when the chick cut her own head off and 1 point because I saw a cute kitty. This movie lost the other seven through a 1 point loss for terrible acting, another point loss for the crappy makeup (all the girls had cake faces) and lost 5 points because I didn't even watch the whole thing which by the way is a rare occurrence. I will give credit to the appearance of the ghosts. They did come across as somewhat scary but it doesn't make up for the unnecessary swearing at times. The dialogue was cheesy and just bored me. What a shame.

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