The Fun House
The Fun House
R | 06 May 1977 (USA)
The Fun House Trailers

After being released from prison, a young gangster with a chip on his shoulder decides to punish society by making snuff films.


"Last House On Dead End Street" was allegedly made by an entire cast and crew of heroin addicts, and that definitely helped to make this movie as sleazy and unpleasant as possible. It also helps that none of these people were even identified until 2002. All the credits are actually pseudonyms, mostly the kind of pseudonyms people with dysfunctional brains would logically come up with. Produced by Norman F. Kaiser, directed by Victor Janos, those are the kind of names you come up with when you're 17 and you're trying to buy liquor. It gives this movie plenty of mystique, but it's more than just mystique it has to offer. It's genuinely fairly well-made, stylish and shocking, and it deals with its shortcomings well. All the audio is dubbed in, but while occasionally it looks and sounds like crap it's generally handled pretty well (masking the characters for the ending scenes was a good fetch). The cheap gore effects also look pretty real if you have no idea how effects work, to this day some (badly informed) people still claim this is an actual snuff film. It isn't quite realistic enough to make that mistake, but this is a very grim underground flick. Not the recipe for an all-too-pleasant evening, but it's definitely something you...need to watch? Have to watch? I don't know, but it's a strangely fascinating ride into the darkest pits of filmmaking.

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Scott LeBrun

"The Last House on Dead End Street", the brainchild of writer / director / star Roger Watkins, is the kind of utterly potent trash flick that one respects & admires even if they don't quite enjoy it. It refuses to ever be playful or fun, which makes it worlds apart from modern exploitation throwback films, which are often full of that wink-wink / self-conscious attitude. This is deadly serious stuff. It tells the story of a depraved reprobate named Terry Hawkins, played by Watkins, a pornographer who's served time in prison and is now seething with anger and contempt for society in general. Now he's determined to get revenge by shooting extra special stuff - not just run of the mill low budget adult fare but out and out snuff. His pacing of this twisted nightmare of a film is very deliberate, which might displease some viewers hoping for more action and less talk, but this is what allows the grim, scuzzy, depressing atmosphere to really take hold. I'm sure you've heard of the phrase "I felt the need to have a shower afterwards" associated with trash films, and it definitely applies here. Despite the deliberate pacing, though, there are scenes here so nasty one *will* remember them. A scene at a party where a woman is being whipped is a prime example, not only for the ferocity and frequency of the blows, but the audience's reactions. What really makes it all worthwhile is when Hawkins and company finally get down to the business of making their snuff films; the final dozen or minutes are mind boggling. The gore is pretty good for the budget (less than $2,000!) and we get to see some scenes of bodily mutilation that are impressive to see. Overall, "The Last House on Dead End Street" is so heavily oppressive and creepy that it takes a real hold of the viewer, and then gives them some violent shakes. I can now see why this would be so heavily treasured by trash aficionados. Eight out of 10.

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I enjoyed watching Last House On Dead End Street. It is about a man called Terry Hawkins who has been released from prison for drug dealing, who has serving 1 year in jail. He decides to repay society for treating him badly, He recruits a team of four outcast people. who are stupid enough to follow the orders that he gives them. Ken Hardy Is a psychopath who was sent to an asylum, after he was found sodomising a calf at the slaughterhouse where he worked. Bill Drexil, his other friend is easy to manipulate. Kathy Hughes and Patricia Kuhn. also prove that they also are easy to manipulate. Once Ken has his team of people together he finds the victims to use in his film productions This is a very strong and violent film, with images of branding, amputation,and dismemberment by using tools, from power drills to pliers. I would recommend that you watch this film if you are able to take the amount of violence in it

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It's not often I'm disappointed by a gritty, disturbing flick. Hell, I can probably count them on one hand. Well, looks like I got another one. Last House on Dead End Street, has been repped to me by a number of people. And I have no clue why. It may be one of the first snuff- based stories out there, but hell, that doesn't make it a good one.It's just so, damn, dull. It took me three attempts to finish it actually. Usually I enjoy the grit and the grime movies give off, but this is just something completely different. It felt like these people embodied grit. Sh!t, and I would be one to say that is a cool thing to say about characters in a flick. Man, I'm confusing myself. It was just a very uninteresting, and uneventful flick. When things took place, you didn't give a damn. Well, I didn't give a damn, or a sh!t.The movie wasn't a total bust afterall though. I did appreciate some of the camera-work. It was amateurish, but once in a while they'd hit this noir-type cinematography that looked pretty cool and stylish. But it was most likely just a fluke luck shot. And even though I disliked almost every single character I did like the lead, a little. The raspy voice, the alright delivery, the sketchy worked.LHonDES is a hardcore flick. It's perverse, gritty, amateurish, and just a tough watch. But it's a tough watch for all the wrong reasons. And surprisingly, not a single scene of the snuff shots were even slightly disturbing. But again, it's a flick for a specific crowd. Even if you call yourself a fan of gritty exploit flicks, beware, this still may not be for you.

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