This is a one funny Disney cartoon, featuring Donald Duck and Pluto, that delivers laugh-out-loud comedy. A day of boating goes awry for the two characters, delivering some very hilarious results, from Donald grappling with the boat engine to Pluto getting himself tangled with a spring. The facial expressions from the two characters were just classically comical and the gags were just clever - from Pluto doing the jig with the spring to Donald creating a zipper-line in the sand with his boat. Just pure fun here!Grade A
... View More"Put-Put Troubles" is a short film that celebrated its 75th birthday just a couple days ago and it sounds like a golf-related film to me, but nope, it's actually about boats. In these 7 minutes we watch Donald and Pluto have struggling with all kinds of stuff. Or maybe not as Donald is basically struggling with his boat and Pluto with a resilient spring. Smart move by Pluto though not to get into Donald's boat. The frame is pretty similar here to other Disney cartoons. In the beginning we see the two protagonists together, but for almost everything apart from the end, the two basically do not interact with each other, but each deliver their own brand of comedy. Nonetheless I have to say that this was not as funny as I hoped it would given Pluto and Donald were already established and beloved film stars by the days of World War II. Maybe it's the combination that did not work as Pluto is usually together with Mickey and Donald with the Newphews. All in all, I hoped for more. Not recommended.
... View MoreIn all honesty, I don't consider Donald and Pluto the strongest of pairings, but as a Disney short fanatic I would still watch it. Put-Put Troubles does have its foibles, aside from a title that some mayn't find the significance of. The story does feel like two stories merged into one, there is certainly a feeling of two different shorts here and for me it didn't quite gel. Apart from some very funny gags, much of it is slow-moving with little that leaps out as new or fresh. While Donald and Pluto are great characters individually, I don't consider their pairing strong enough for them to be a proper team. Surprisingly as well, Pluto came across here as a stronger character than Donald, I mean surprisingly because I do consider Donald a far stronger character overall. Donald undeniably has some great moments, but Put-Put Troubles doesn't ever play him or his personality to their strengths, we see little of Donald's temperament or frustration, which are fundamental parts to his character. However, Put-Put Troubles is still entertaining. And that is mainly thanks to the gags, which are very clever and funny, the most imaginative being the ending, though the spring coil around Pluto's neck, the gag with the sandbar, the smoke from the boat making Donald look like a convict and Pluto dancing are great too. The continuous Pluto being caught in the coil gag gets very routine after a while and loses any humorous impact. The animation is crisp and colourful, and there is a wonderful music score that is lively and lush as well as enhancing the action. Pluto dominates the screen-time in this short and he is enormous fun. As said though, Donald while having his moments was rather disappointing for me. Pinto Colvig and Clarence Nash's vocal acting is as always wholly reliable. Overall, Put-Put Troubles is entertaining but something is missing and I think the two stars being much better from characterisation and utilisation points of view has something to do with it. 6/10 Bethany Cox
... View MoreDonald and Goofy go to some lake for a quite day of sitting around in a boat. Have you ever know of any of Donald's attempts at nice days to work out? Well, this time round the torment is not all that imaginative.First of all Goofy swallows a frog (about the billionth time Goofy has swallowed something that drives him crazy) and is bothered by a nasty spring while Donald's outboard motor either won't start or rips the ramshackle boat apart.It's only slightly imaginative and the mayhem slightly inspired. Donald's done better than this and the only real laugh comes right at the end.
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