Pound of Flesh
Pound of Flesh
R | 29 April 2011 (USA)
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Noah Melville, a popular college professor and confirmed sensualist, provides scholarships for gorgeous college girls through an escort service, whose satisfied clients include the chairman of the school board, the chief of police, and even the mayor of their idyllic college town. When a young woman's dead body is found near the campus, the moralistic new detective in town, Patrick Kelly, investigates, leading him to the professor. Exposed, Noah must leave his devoted wife and daughter and flee the law. Kelly, for his own reasons, takes the law into his own hands to bring Noah to justice. Their deadly showdown has a surprising result.

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Michael Ledo

Shakespearean Professor Noah Melville (Malcolm McDowell) is a fine instructor with eager bright students as he reads to them from "A Merchant of Venice". He also acts as a pimp, helping poor needy co-eds get their tuition by setting them up with a select clients...ones that believe safe sex doesn't involve guns. Unfortunately in the opening scene, one of the men (Timothy Bottoms) didn't practice safe sex and a co-ed (Ashley Wren Collins) is killed in a serious freak accident.The movie has scenes of bikini clad girls discussing sex in very frank terms. Noah continues to help his students because tuition is high at this small private college. Angus Macfadyen plays an unkempt detective who has fallen from grace. He is a sad excuse for "Columbo" in this unfunny version of "Risky Business."The film couldn't bring it all together. The supporting cast was unconvincing. The climax scene was poorly written. It failed to bring out the kinky sex part, thinking the movie could stand on its own as a drama with a sex background.F-bombs, sex, nudity (Ashley Wren Collins

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I had the misfortune of coming upon this crap movie tonight on a free weekend on DirecTV on Showtime. If this is some kind of courtesy freebie, I'd like to pay to NOT watch this. Only one word is needed in describing this movie: ABOMINABLE!! But seeing how IMDb requires a minimum of 10 lines, let me just add that this movie is so bad, so clearly poorly directed, that I came close to puking.Malcolm McDowell must see this as his SECOND most shameful cinematic achievement. Timonthy Bottoms? Really? It sinks from low to abysmal as the minutes pass.COME ON, MAN!PLEASE: do yourself a favor - don't waste any time on this drivel.

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Caught this movie with my buddies over the weekend (by accident) having a couple of beers. Chicks are HOT!!! It's got to be over a 5 just for that! I would check it out, thought the story line was cool, different. Man, if only i went to college with girls like that?. Joking aside, Malcom McDowell is awesome. The detective was a train wreck big time, could have been less of one but it does make for more drama. In a nutshell, you mix hot chicks with sex its gonna get your attention, you add that with good actors like Malcolm McDowell you're going to want to watch the movie through. Kinda knew what was coming in the end but still wanted to see if it would happen.

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I liked Malcolm Mc Dowell, but even he could not save this movie from itself.The plot almost could have worked, it could have been an interesting story, however, it FAILED.The acting, if that what it was by all but McDowell was atrocious, Elizabeth Rodriguez and Angus Macfadyen were absolutely terrible - The script however played no small part in their downfall.Do yourself a favour, remember Malcolm in better times, like IF and No.1 Gangster, not in this trash.I was almost interested when it began, it looked a little different to begin with, but as the movie progresses, it becomes more and more ridiculous......did it go straight to DVD?

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