One Missed Call
One Missed Call
PG-13 | 04 January 2008 (USA)
One Missed Call Trailers

Several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.


Derivative to Say the Least. This Hodgepodge of Better Films can Only be Recommended for Horror Movie Completest.Jump Scares to the Extreme only make the Back Story, which is the Movie's Best Part, feel Cluttered and Cliché Driven. The sometimes Creepy Moments are also rendered as Throwaways because the thing just can't figure out what works and what doesn't.Child Abuse is woven into the Script and makes for some Interesting Commentary and if that Thread was Cultivated Completely and the Silly Stuff, like Exorcising a Cell Phone was Totally Discarded, it could have been a more than Standard J-Horror Remake.It is Refreshing to See Cell-Phones get Stomped, Snapped in Half, Kicked, and Thrown in the Sewer. Hoorah.There remains among the Missteps enough to make it Worth a Watch with Low Expectations and Disregarding Knee-Jerk Reactions to Foreign Remakes and a Tolerance for Bad Directorial Decisions. There is Half a Good Story Contained.

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Run of the mill, low brow, cheap, part horror film eg pretty dreadful.Every cliché in the book is used up here, from the absolutely ridiculous choices made by the characters, going alone into dark and empty places, not asking for help, police officers not believing them, or being sent as back up anywhere, irritating music through loud bangs for suspense and the ending leaving it open for more.It kept me watching throughout and with a decent ending could have scraped into the 'OK' category but it did not and in end was the sort of amateurish, clichéd film you have seen 100 times before.3/10

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It requires a special kind of stupid to make a movie this bad. This is without a doubt the worst horror movie I've ever seen, and one of the worst movies I've ever seen. There are countless plot holes and inconsistencies, and it borrows heavily from The Ring; the protagonist has a certain amount of time to solve the mystery behind an urban legend before she is killed. The explanations for what was going on in the movie were so lame. Some stuff wasn't explained at all. There is also an extremely high amount of jump scares, all of which make you roll your eyes. One was so bad that the loud noise didn't match up with the "scary image". You'd think there'd at least be a little bit of tension to compensate for the lame jump scares, but there's a shortage on that too. You don't care about any of the characters because they're introduced, then killed of in about 5 minutes. You definitely want to miss this call.

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I see bad reviews, everywhere. and i really don't know why. quick simple review here, im not a massive fan of horror movies. but my girlfriend is, she watches them all the time, and after seeing this movie (don't know even why i decided to put it on to watch it) i am actually happy i did. I am going to recommend it to her, as i am very excited to see what she rates it. the suspense was there, i got scared, and that ringtone freaked me out. seriously i was just waiting for my phone to call mid movie. luckily it didn't. look its no "ring", but hey, its worth a shot. i watched it at night, alone, pitch black room with surround sound. and yes i got scared, goosebumps at parts. good movie. not great but good.5.5 /10

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