Noémie: Le secret
Noémie: Le secret
| 11 December 2009 (USA)
Noémie: Le secret Trailers

Noémie, sept ans bientôt huit, passe beaucoup de temps avec sa voisine, Madame Lumbago, puisque ses parents sont très occupés à cause de leur travail. Monsieur Émile, le défunt mari de Madame Lumbago, lui avait un jour parlé d'un trésor caché dans son appartement, et depuis, la petite fille épluche chaque racoin pour résoudre ce fameux mystère. Se trouvant face à l'éventualité d'un échec, la petite Noémie, persévérante et téméraire, décide de dessiner un plan du logement de sa gardienne et demande l'aide de son ami Francis pour l'aider à fouiller toutes les pièces et percer le secret.


Quebec has some particularly good kids movie; La Guerre des Tuques, Matusalem, La Grenouille et la baleine -- just to name a few, but they are quite dated now. Which is why Noemie is a pleasant surprise, as it has the same kind of charm that made those movies so fun to watch; an engaging lead character, a good mix of funny and touching moments, and a great soundtrack.The movie is based on a series of books, which follow Noemie, a sweet and dynamic seven year-old girl who firmly believes a treasure is hidden within her upstairs neighbor's apartment. As the story unfolds, she keeps on trying to find clues and leads that would take her to find the treasure, while at the same time she gets closer to the old lady living there.Although this will mostly interest kids, it's the kind of movie that adults will also like, thanks to the emotions it conveys, and the nostalgic charm it has, reminding us of our own childhood movies. But what really steals the spot is the actress playing Noemie; even though this is her first role, she is full of life, absolutely adorable, and displays emotions incredibly. I would not be surprised to see her star in other movies.Noemie is a really fun movie to watch with kids, as they always seem to remember the movies with funny, happy and sad moments the most, and endear them. There are some bits that are a bit long (the movie lasts 1 hour and 40 min, maybe a bit too much for the content), but all in all it's a very cute film, and I definitely recommend it.

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