DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp
DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp
G | 03 August 1990 (USA)
DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp Trailers

With his nephews and niece, everyone's favorite rich uncle, Scrooge McDuck, treks from his mansion home in Duckburg in search of the long-lost loot of the thief Collie Baba. But finding the goods isn't quite what it's "quacked" up to be! Their thrilling adventure leads to comical chaos, magical mayhem, and a lesson about what is far more valuable than money, gold and jewels.

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While this movie feels most like an extended episode from "Ducktales" (Only with better animation) that's fine for me, mostly because I love "Ducktales" and even when this isn't at the same level of the animated masterpieces done by the Disney company in the nineties (Such as "The Beauty and the Beast" or "The Lion King") it was certainly something very entertaining and enjoyable to watch.The plot from this movie is very simple, but also funny and very easy to follow, respecting most of the dynamic existent in the characters from the original series, though it is not necessary to watch any episode from "Ducktales" to enjoy this.This "Ducktales" movie is a perfect complement for the series, and it offers a decent entertainment for the whole family. I highly recommend it.

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i don't remember much but what i do remember is freaking awesome scrooge is like I'm gonna dive in my money pile and he does and its pretty sweet and then stuff happens in the movie and then at the end he's like I'm gonna dive in my money pile again and then he hits the floor and he's like what the hell where's my money then this guy with baggy pants is running down the street with coins in his pants and those pants have to be damn huge to fit all those coins and they chase them down the street ~fin~ ten lines of text is hard to fill in they should really cut it down to five because that would be so much easier for me.

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Jackson Booth-Millard

If you have ever seen the animated series starring Scrooge McDuck and his nephews Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby ducks, then you'll love this film. tom thumb's Woody, Alan Young as Scrooge McDuck is really good at the Scottish accent, and being a grumpy type of character. Basically Scrooge and the gang are looking for a lost treasure. The only bit they manage to recover (after finding it) is a lamp. This lamp contains a genie. The three nephews and Webby keep Genie (Rip Taylor) secret, but there is both Scrooge, and villain Merlock (Christopher Lloyd) wanting him. A very good cartoon when I was a kid, I used to love the TV series a bit too. Worth watching!

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bob the moo

When his expedition finds a hidden entrance to the liar of a legendary thief in the Egyptian desert, Scrooge discovers a map hidden in the (mostly worthless) possessions that are recovered. The map leads him closer to finding the treasure that he has searched for most of his life – a magical lamp containing a genie and three wishes for the holder. Unaware of what he has, it is Scrooge's nephews that uncover the genie and befriend him. But when Merlock, the genie's 'master' comes looking for the genie, Scrooge will fight to protect his newfound acquisition.I know I used to watch Duck Tales as a child because I found myself humming along absentmindedly to the theme music but I cannot remember much more than that. This was not a problem though as I only watched it to act as a bit of a trip down memory lane for me. The plot is OK for this sort of thing and allows plenty of silly antics as well as just doing enough for the duration to actually give the film somewhere to go towards the end to create a certain amount of actual drive for the antics. This is not to say it is a great affair because it isn't, but under tens should enjoy it enough to distract them for just over an hour.The animation is colourful and, even if it is uninspiring it still does the job and never feels cheap or rushed out. The voice work is pretty good but I, like many others I think, found the voices of Huey and crew to be rather annoying even if one must give Taylor his dues for doing several voices. Young does a simple job on Scrooge, Taylor is fun as the genie and Libertini is quite fun as the comic relief. Lloyd is a nice addition for adults and he has a great presence thanks to his distinctive voice work but he has little to do and, to be honest, the voice work doesn't really stand out that much.Overall this is OK fare for under tens but I must admit that it is unlikely to draw any audience other than that. Those seeking childhood memories may enjoy it and be glad to find that it is quite well made even if it is unspectacular but it is not worth watching if you have not experienced it before now. Tape it off TV and you'll find it useful enough to keep young children happy but I doubt many adults find it useful in any ways other than a babysitter.

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