Nazis at the Center of the Earth
Nazis at the Center of the Earth
R | 24 April 2012 (USA)
Nazis at the Center of the Earth Trailers

A group of researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a platoon of masked soldiers and dragged into a hidden continent in the center of the Earth. There, they discover that surviving Nazi soldiers are plotting an invasion of Earth to revive the Third Reich.

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That this is supposed to be a good bad movie. Actually there probably is no such thing as a good bad movie. Bad is bad, and "Nazi's at the Center of the Earth" is bad. Now that we have established that, and recognized no talent when we see it, let's find out why this movie is a complete zero (actually a 1, because IMDb doesn't allow zeros). Because I have seen sh_t fights at the monkey house that made more sense than this badly conceived disaster of epic proportions. Jake Busey, who I actually like, should be ashamed, very ashamed, for his ill advised involvement in what can only be described as a monumental crapfest, with bad script, bad character development, bad acting, bad effects, and no redeeming qualities. Not laughingly bad, just bad. - MERK

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Bloodstorm—Asylum's knock-off of Nazis on the moon movie Iron Sky—was originally called Nazis at the Centre of the Earth, a much trashier title far more befitting of a film that is pure cheeze from start to finish. Directed by Joseph J. Lawson, who, judging by the DVD extras, is simply happy to be directing anything, the film is cheap, incredibly dumb, and full of iffy CGI effects, but more importantly IT'S LOTS OF FUN—more fun, in fact, than the film it rips-off. This one doesn't bother with lame political satire, concentrating instead on delivering as much lunacy as possible, and it's all the more enjoyable for it.Rather than leaving Earth for outer space, Bloodstorm sees the last vestiges of the Third Reich (including The Angel of Death himself, Jospeh Mengele) heading to Neuschwabenland, a subterranean Nazi base hidden deep beneath the Antarctic; here they attempt to regenerate their troops through the use of transplants from bodies, aided by research scientist Dr. Adrian Reistad (Jake Busey). The Nazi's transplant techniques are less than perfect, however, resulting in the recipients oozing pus from their surgical wounds as their bodies slowly reject the foreign tissue. Mengele's answer to this problem: to abduct Reistad's team of top biologists from their Antarctic station and force them to help him in his experiments.With Busey in the film, and the lovely Dominique Swain as one of his unfortunate scientists, Bloodstorm was already worth every penny of the £1 I paid for it, but when I factor in the more exploitative nonsense—gruesome face-ripping, brain removal, a thoroughly tasteless foetus removal via vacuum, the gratuitous gang-rape of a woman by several manky-faced Nazis, and the revival of Hitler as a massive Castle Wolfenstein-style cyborg with machine guns for arms and a laser in his chest—this has got to be one of the best value for money DVDs I have in my collection. Don't listen to the naysayers—Bloodstorm is gory goose-steppin' goodness from start to finish.7.5 out of 10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.

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Theo Robertson

When you've got The Asylum film company making a movie about Nazis in general and Dr Josef Mengele in particular you know you're not going to be watching anything less than car crash film making . A tasteless subject for cinema ? Certainly but we all remember that film where Laurence Olivier took on Gregory Peck's Josef Mengele which contained some of the most amusing dialogue heard in a 1970s movie . Okay the dialogue wasn't supposed to be amusing but any film containing Nazi despots that causes the audience to laugh out loud can only be a good thing . Would we be getting the same thing here ? To its credit this is not a film that can be described as boring . The premise of " Nazi zombies led by Mengele holding human experiments in the Antartic " isn't a film you see everyday and the grotesque tone of the film is very consistent . It's never a camp or jokey affair and takes itself very seriously which isn't necessarily a bad thing . After all if someone gets their brains pulled out or skinned alive by a Nazi doctor do we need a punchline ? It's certainly not a film that makes for pleasant viewing but no doubt the producers were aware of that and have resisted the temptation to make a blackly comical bad taste movie . Instead they've made a rather nasty exploitation movie centering around Nazi war criminals that while not being to everyones's taste does hold the attention

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Mick Germain (vivelequebeclibregreen10)

This film sucked so much Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen felt good about it self.No seriously this is a terrible film.I walked in to this film hoping to find a hidden gem,what I found was actually a load of part of the movie :Jake Busey,seriously BEST ACTOR EVER! His agent,not so much.the plot is ridiculous,in some cases that could make a fairly okay movie,but in this case ,it took itself too seriously,which I guess hurt the film. Another problem with the film,is the lack of care I gave about the characters (10 min left in the film,and I still didn't any of their names).Oh and the abuse the fact that their snow base is called Nipplesomething.

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