Napoleon Dynamite
Napoleon Dynamite
PG | 11 June 2004 (USA)
Napoleon Dynamite Trailers

A listless and alienated teenager decides to help his new friend win the class presidency in their small western high school, while he must deal with his bizarre family life back home.


I remember when the dynamite movie: Napoleon Dynamite (2004) came out. People would say they thought it was dumb. My first question was did you watch it to the end? Da; no of course not, it was too dumb to watch the whole thing. The end of the movie Napoleon Dynamite; where Jon Heder dances, makes the whole movie, a chillingly remembrance of a movie. I am partial to Napoleon Dynamite because I made movies in college too. The movie was based on a movie made as a college project. Kind of like the movie Sandy Wexler(2017) the whole movie is so stupid it is funny.

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To find this film funny, you have to have to understand the unique sense of humor that it utilizes. It doesn't have a real plot that the audience can follow, and that's because it the events that occur aren't actually all that interesting. What makes it a funny movie are the characters and their personalities. It's honestly a big risk to make, because there's no guarantee that the general public will enjoy this type of humor, and the producers are actually very lucky that enough people made it as big of a hit as it is. The humor used is a different and unique type of mood, all coming from one-liners and character traits. This is a movie that I personally quote all the time; every time I hear the name Tina I think of the llama, and whenever I see a tetherball I think of this movie. These aren't jokes that just anyone would find funny, but if you have a weird and quirky sense of humor, Napoleon and Pedro will be your best friends.

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This movie really should have been bad. Low budget, no cast, almost no plot, yet it comes through in a big way. I've probably seen this movie 20 times and have not grown tired of it. The tone of the writing is so weird and spot on to rural Idaho. Napoleon is a loveable character who just wants to be somebody. And the aesthetics in this movie are so good. To top it off, it's just a freaking funny movie. It's the kind of movie that makes you wish Hollywood would take more chances. I love it so much.

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Ppl who give this flick high stars - "what is wrong with you, you fricking IDIOTS, GOSH!". The movie : a bunch of dopey idiots doing completely random and idiotic things in some Kafkaesque rural town in Idaho brought to you by high school drama club. Movie is made in 2004, and school ID implies 2004, but it feels like the movie is set in 80s, with Kip spending time chatting in a computer which kind of places it in the 90s. I guess the props obtained from Goodwill or garage sale lend themselves to anachronisms. Want to watch a "cult flick"? Watch "Ghost town" or "Clerks".

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