My Super Ex-Girlfriend
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
PG-13 | 21 July 2006 (USA)
My Super Ex-Girlfriend Trailers

When New York architect Matt Saunders dumps his new girlfriend Jenny Johnson—a smart, sexy, and reluctant superhero known as G-Girl—she uses her powers to make his life a living hell.

Python Hyena

My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006): Dir: Ivan Reitman / Cast: Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris, Eddie Izzard, Rainn Wilson: Here is a comedy that deals with every male's biggest fear. It regards the threat of relationship burnout. Luke Wilson strikes up a date with a woman who turns out to be a superhero. Problem is that breaking up with her can result in fatal consequences. Director Ivan Reitman allows too much to run loose and never really seems to pause to enjoy his craft. He previously made such films as Ghostbusters and Dave. This is not his best effort but at the very least it contains a fetching idea. The ending works despite cheesy special effects that nearly kill the film. Uma Thurman has fun as Jenny / G Girl. She is introduced as normal before letting down her barriers and taking on a relationship. Her revenge tactics upon a breakup are often funny, and she does find love in the most unlikely place. Wilson makes a good foil as he regrets this pursuit when supernatural vengeance is acted towards him. We know he will fix things, and he will be able to date Anna Faris who has the thankless role of co-worker / girlfriend. Eddie Izzard as a villain from Jenny's childhood is a great touch in terms of his background and future. Rainn Wilson makes an appearance to remind us that he is funnier in The Office. Great idea that isn't a super great film, but an entertaining afterthought. Score: 5 ½ / 10

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Dave from Ottawa

This movie has an irresistible premise:Guy jilts girl with superpowers and she takes full force Fatal Attraction-style revenge on him, heat vision and all. Since it takes about half of the movie to set this all up, the early going is a bit slow and predictable, but even then the audience is well entertained by some very good superhero effects, a fun supervillain (Prof. Bedlam) and especially Uma's performance as a very neurotic single who hasn't dated much in order to protect her secret identity. Uma makes the movie, as nerdy Jenny Johnson / super-powered G-Girl in a convincing, sharp edged comic turn. Luke Wilson gives his usual doughnut hole performance as a supposed every-dude, but Rainn Wilson has a funny turn as a pig male hustler wannabe. Once the Revenge of the Ex action kicks into gear, things get really fun, and the fur really flies between Uma and Anna Faris as a competing super heroine.

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Luke Wilson sells this film.MY SUPER EX-GIRLFRIEND has Ivan (GHOSTBUSTERS) Reitman directing; a solid comedy writer from THE SIMPSONS, Don Payne; Rainn Wilson at the top of his game and Eddie Izzard at the middle (though still attaining the standard of low-bar American comedians); it's Uma Thurman looking hot - as a super heroine AND in her severe, clinical Clark Kentress alter ego skirt. But the film belongs to Luke Wilson.We have to believe that Wilson's average red-blooded American male can hook up with Uma's superchick, break up with her, then take all her high maintenance super revenge in stride. Wilson's every reaction is gold.Architect Matt (Wilson) falls for the bespectacled, secretarial Jenny Johnson (Thurman), who reveals she is the resident New York superhero G-Girl (basically a retread of Superman with tits). After a few weeks, Matt realizes Jenny/G-Girl is clingy, jealous, irrational and emotionally unstable (you know, just a regular chick), so he dumps her in favor of his spunky co-worker, Hannah (Anna Faris), who has been coming onto Matt overtly by monopolizing all his sightlines in tight black dresses with NVP (No Visible Pantyline).And Jenny's revenge is - as one can guess - super nasty.It's a very funny movie - even WITH the double-standard woman-empowering out of control. I think this is the first time on film we are seeing this aspect of a superhero-layperson relationship. Super folk tend to be sensible and honorable enough never to use their super powers against normal folk in revenge (unless the normal folk are villains). But here is vengeance heaven for whining ex-girlfriends; we see a female super hero actually behave like any normal high maintenance byoch.There is shark-throwing and bed-breaking and cars thrown in space, but those aren't the funny bits. The humor flows from the details: Rainn Wilson and Luke Wilson play off each other like a pair of well-oiled bromantics and their chemistry never flags; Izzard is succulent as usual as the suave supervillain, Professor Bedlam; Thurman pulls off her touchy role without making us hate her; and Anna Faris gets to use more than her one facial expression by redirecting our attention to her bodacious booty.Don't watch with your girlfriend. It'll only give her ideas.

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Luke Wilson's best movie probably, but not his best performance. The time of the movie was split up really evenly.Uma Therman stars as Jenny Johnson. She looks like a harmless little librarian but she is actually the wild city superhero G-Girl. One day on the subway, Matt (Luke Wilson) notices her. She swiftly turns him down but to his luck a mugger steals her purse and he rescues it for her. She immediately charmed by him and begins to date him.Matt's co-worker Hannah (Anna Faris) is seemingly jealous. She has a boyfriend but its also apparent Hannah and Matt have feelings for each other. The downside is: Matt's with Jenny, and she loves him. His friend says "break up with her". But even with all his effort to make it as smooth as possible he still gets the nightmare from hell. Jenny turns into a crazy monster ruining just about every aspect of his life.Luke Wilson was good but his performance in Vacancy was much better. His performance is good because he has some good delivery but his screen time is divided evenly with Uma and Anna.Uma Therman is pretty much the star of this movie...and she is built up all the way through. Even at the end, she still tries to come out on top but her thunder is stolen - at least it was for me.The real star of the movie for me was Anna. I didn't even see her in this movie until about 15-20 minutes into. Once I realized why she was in the movie I suddenly began to hope she'd be more involved...which she was. When she was more involved she definitely stole the show and I'm very glad she was casted. I can tell whoever wrote this movie must've really like Anna Faris and wrote the role for her, or they just liked making such a lovable, fun, comedic and sweet character. Nevertheless, she stole the show for me. Go Anna! When all the dust settles, and all the smoke clears, the movie is actually quite romantic, funny and action-packed. It was interesting as I thought it would be and was really entertaining. It's now available on DVD, and anyone who didn't catch this in theaters should rent it or catch it on TV.

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