Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
PG-13 | 07 September 2001 (USA)
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 Trailers

Stone (the Antichrist) becomes President of the European Union and uses his seat of power to dissolve the United Nations and create a one world government called the World Union. Megiddo is a supernatural ride into a world teetering on the edge of the Apocalypse. It follows the rise of a Machiavellian leader bent on amassing the armies of the world for the battle of Armageddon while calamities of Biblical proportions pummel the Earth.


I found this movie appealing, both as your basic action/adventure flick, and the fact that it uses items culled from the Bible for use as the story base. Obviously, not all items are accurate, but it's a fictional movie, folks! What gives it a different spin is that the people who produced it believe in the story they are telling. It gave the movie a uniqueness that made me think a bit. I would also say that the actors in the film seemed to believe in what they were portraying (of course, being actors, their job IS to ACT...). All in all, it's a movie about Armageddon, and the basic biblical principles surrounding Armageddon. It is rated PG-13, but I'm OK with our 10 year old seeing it with us. It carries a moral message that transcends the violent action scenes, while at the same time justifying those scenes in the movie, and leaves you both entertained AND curious. And there's nothing wrong with that!

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If you like to see films that deal with a religious theme and the struggle that deal with good and evil, this will be the film for you. The story deals with two brothers who take completely different paths in their lives and one brother, Stone Alexander, (Michael York) who sells his soul to the devil and has great powers given to him by the prince of Darkness and has great powers to inflict great horrors to the entire world. and the other brother, David Alexander, (Michael Biehm) who has become the President of the United States and stands strong against evil and fights his brother Stone to the very end. There is plenty of horrors produced by Stone Alexander and you begin to wonder if evil will prevail and that the world is going to end in complete destruction and nothing to ever hope for. If you like this kind of film, this will be a film you will enjoy right to the very end.

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I admit, I have a strange fondness for bad movies. Movies that are enjoyably bad, or movies that really aren't as bad as the critics/public insisted, though they're certainly not good.However, there are some movies so irredeemably, stupefyingly, unimaginably bad that they don't even have the semi-out of being funny. "Megiddo" is one such movie.I sat through it because I was bored and it was an exceedingly dismal night for TV. And even though I didn't pay to see it, I still want my money back. What a turkey.The plot, if you can call it that, is a mishmash of rah-rah super-patriotism, shockingly blatant racism and xenophobia, paranoia, pseudo-Biblical gibberish, "Omen" ripoffs, "X-Files" ripoffs, "Exorcist" ripoffs, a pitiful love triangle, hideous acting, even more hideous dialog, and cut-rate special effects that offer a silly Satan who's about as frightening as a pair of bunny slippers -- as well as being shockingly stupid. I guess I'm just used to the idea of the devil being brilliant, but'd think that old Scratch would at least be clever enough to deduce that one of his "allies," reluctant to start with, is going to back-stab him.All this talk about Beelzebub, and no mention of the actor who plays him. It's Michael York, hammier than a pig farm. Many an actor has said that they prefer to play villains, as they're more fun than heroes, so you'd think that York would be having a blast playing the ultimate villain. However, his performance seems to strain him as much as it does the audience. Just like his computer-animated counterpart, who shows up at the very end, he isn't scary. He's just peevish and annoying.Poor Michael Biehn (who hasn't aged well at all -- he used to be so cute) is stuck playing the good guy, York's "brother." I use quotes because I think that that the devil actually inhabits York's character when he's a child and uses him as a puppet, though I'm not sure...the movie is muddy on this point, as on so many others. Anyway, Biehn's performance mainly consists of looking constipated, barking out painfully stupid dialog, and clenching his jaw...perhaps to keep from dissolving into gales of laughter at the sheer absurdity of all that is going on around him. I suppose it is to his credit that he doesn't, in fact, collapse in hilarity; he must take his craft seriously, even when applying it to something this appalling.

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Megiddo belongs to the ranks of flicks which I have not seen in their entirety, but rather have caught the later parts of, thanks to cable and late hours. While in light of that I admit being unable to give this movie a proper review, I think it is fair to compare it to other movies I've seen under similar circumstances. Since we're dealing with a piece of Christian-spirit-inspired schlock, I'll use 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians'. While 'Megiddo' seems more plausible on the surface, if only because the majority of its characters don't contradict established facts, it's reality suffers drastically from abominable characterization. 'SCCtM' on the otherhand doesn't even try to mimic realism, and thus achieves a solid consistency of inaneness. It's similar to comparing the live action 'Batman' TV show to the movie 'Batman & Robin'. Both are atrocious, but the show, and 'SCCtM', were done with love, which is what ultimately makes them the better projects. it should be kept in mind of course that none of these deserves a rating above 2

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