Last Girl Standing
Last Girl Standing
| 31 August 2015 (USA)
Last Girl Standing Trailers

She survived a brutal massacre, but lost her life. What happens to the final girl once the credits have rolled? Five years ago, a masked killer brutally murdered a group of friends. Since then, Camryn, the lone survivor, has tried to make sense of the homicidal events and struggled to reclaim her shattered life. Wracked with guilt and paranoia, can Camryn ever have a normal existence again or is she destined to cope alone forever? Part slasher movie, part character study, take a penetrating and intimate look at what happens to the remaining true victim of every horror movie.

Burney J. Brown

This movie is more of a Mystery. That an actual Horror movie. It lacks action. But it's still interesting enough. To watch straight through.The action significantly picks up towards the end. So it gets a 7 out of 10.

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Michael Ledo

Camryn (Akasha Villalobos) is the Final Girl from a woods slasher cultist wearing a large mutant Jack-a-lope skin on his head near Austin, Texas. He is called "The Hunter" (Jason Vines) and performed rituals. Four years later she is a socially dysfunctional loner working at a cleaners doing laundry. She has reality issues, seeing and hearing things that no one else sees. She is befriended by Danielle (Danielle Evon Ploeger) who shares with Camryn her own horrific experience. She helps Camryn get closure in a rather unorthodox scene. Camryn has a mutual attraction for Nick (Brian Villalobos) the new guy at work.The film starts out with a classic slasher scene, perhaps a bit over-the-top and settles down in a psychological character study of a PTSD trauma, until the end when we find out what is really going on. It was a fairly decent film that builds characters. Minor criticisms would be if you give a girl a name that means "bent nose" she needs to have a bent nose. How much does it cost to break and reset a nose so it is crooked? Second choice would be to change the name of the lead to Jaelyn or Caden. The main screw up was they showed us Camryn was a runner and never worked that into the ending. Why bother? Trying to get 90 into the can and print? Akasha Villalobos delivered the goods. She made the film. The shooting,direction, and sound was professional, unlike so many indies out there. Sound track was even decent. Worth a watch.Guide: F-word. Near sex. No nudity.

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James Wright

I'll start off by saying that this isn't a bad movie, it is very detail orientated and the camera work is highly immersive to where you get to feel for the main character and can enjoy most of her struggle. The problem is that in this immersion we are given very little to actually identify with in the character, who is literally only defined by her one traumatic experience that the movie opens up with, we learn nothing else about her or who she is. This means that the film never really rises above a certain level and could have done with an extra few minutes in the beginning to give us some idea of who this girl was before everything happened to her.Aside from this there are some problems in terms of pacing and story since the movie takes a painful amount of time to show the audience what it already knows, or at least highly suspects. This wouldn't be so bad if it all then paid off in some unexpected way, but it mostly goes the same way as any psychological drama in this vein and ends with the same conclusions that have been gone over many times before. I will say that the third act is executed very well despite its predictable nature and there are definite moments where this film shows that it has potential, it is just overall too basic and shallow in meaning to really get beyond a certain level.Overall this film has some definite strengths and is worth a watch due to its camera work, acting and directing. With other eyes on the writing this concept could have been executed better, but it needs more fleshed out characters and a slightly less tired plot to have matched up with the style it possesses. I still enjoyed it but it is hard to recommend because it is not enough drama or horror to specifically appeal to fans of either genre and both will probably find it lacking unless they have very particular tastes.

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i enjoyed this movie , the concept was new and refreshing to me ... i don't normally write reviews as i enjoy ALL kinds of movies , as long as they serve their purpose of entertaining me then i tend to give a movie two thumbs up so my opinion on the quality of this movie doesn't mean a s much as someone that rates and reviews for a living, but i had one small problem with this movie....That unmarked grave that is mentioned in the newspapers several times is WAyy too shallow ... after 4 years buried that shallow the coffin would be exposed ... other than that good movie but that bothered me sooo much i HAD to write this review about it pretty sure that this is NOT a spoiler as it has nothing to do with eh plot of the story...

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