Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
R | 13 August 1993 (USA)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday Trailers

Jason Voorhees is tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches.


I can't stand this film I couldn't continue watching it. The Jason make up is awful. Un watchable. I am the only one that watch only once this movie and went hardly trough. This movie is horrible painful to watch for my eyes. I couldn't watch the movie only 5 mins and I throw it away. Everything about this movie is awful from the poor story from the acting everything is horrible. New Line Cinema hurt the film and ruined the franchise. This was the only and last movie from Friday the 13th that come out in the 90's. Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence come out the same year as this movie and it was miles better than this forgettable film. It was a low budget film with an nameless director but in my opinion still enjoyable Jason Goes to Hell wasn't enjoyable but it was painful film. I know some love this movie more than the original I just cant stand it. Peace.

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Does Jason really go to Hell? You will if you watch this film. It begins with the death of Jason Voorhees in dramatic fashion. He is taken to the morgue for an autopsy, or what is left of him is, when, surprise, surprise, he is resurrected inhabiting initially the body of the pathologist then stealing the bodies of those he murders at will.A bounty hunter appears, and he knows how to kill Jason permanently; he can only be dispatched by one of his two living relatives. As one of them is a babe in arms, it's her mother who gets the job, reluctant though she is.Is this the final Friday? If you know anything about this absurd franchise, you won't even ask that question. If you like special effects you might find something of interest in this film, but there is no soundtrack worthy of the name, and although there is plenty of action, much of it takes place in the dark or semi-dark.

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Mc Bun1

Almost all the Jason movies I've seen have left me entertained, and the Final Friday is no exception. It has all the Jason style murders that you look forward too but not overly graphic too except for one or two scenes that show Jason's attempt to exit from bodies that he inhabited, uggh! There's good suspense, twists and the end is an unexpected surprise. But the performances are mostly forgettable except for John LeMay as Steven who tries to save his wife & kid from Jason or Steven Williams as the bounty hunter Duke. There's some nudity too but again, not quite in the face either. If you've been a fan of Jason movies, you'd like this one no matter if some of the scenes seem outright ridiculous.

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Eric Stevenson

In 1984, the fourth "Friday The 13th" movie was made called "The Final Chapter". They lied and made more until they decided to call this one "The Final Friday". They lied again! There's still two more movies made in the continuity after this! Seriously, you should be fined for lying twice. I was perplexed by the description which said that this explained Jason's supernatural origins. No it didn't! It just said he had to be killed by a Voorhees or something. This has one of the highest death tolls of any of the movies. It's kind of ironic considering Jason only kills one person as himself.This movie apparently reveals that Jason's true form is some kind of worm thing. Yeah, and it has the ability to possess people? Well, it's not really a worm. It's more of a snake like thing with little arms. I guess that's supposed to be his true form? Some of the visuals are nice and the last scene is pretty cool, but other than that, it's just dumb. This is even more cruel than the other films in this endless series. At least this one had the police be smart and simply blow Jason to pieces in the beginning. It's still stupid. *1/2

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