Killing Ariel
Killing Ariel
R | 16 June 2009 (USA)
Killing Ariel Trailers

One night, a female demon attacks Rick, a contentedly married man. Under the spell of the demon, he takes a beautiful young woman, Ariel, off to an isolated house for a weekend fling. There, bizarre and frightening things happen, and accidentally Rick kills Ariel. But she won't stay dead. He soon realizes that she is the demon that first attacked him. He defends himself by killing her again. And again. But no matter how many times he kills her, she keeps coming back


A married guy who actually loves his wife becomes the victim of a female demon in another badly acted and un-scary drag of a movie. The husband, Rick, has a weekend fling with Ariel, a sweet young thing. Karma strikes when she comes back to him over and over and over again, and he kills her over and over and over again. Can you say redundant; I knew that you could; I would rather sit through Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, than subjecting myself to this sh** ever again. The only positive aspect of this stupidity is its' ninety minute running time. Axelle Grelet is Ariel, and although she is nude at times, she could use a set of implants to divert our attention from her poor acting ability. I do not see a bright future for Ms. Grelet, unless she visits a plastic surgeon and enters the lucrative world of adult entertainment. Ariel Does Dallas has a nice ring to it; couldn't be any worse than Killing Ariel.

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I get the idea whoever made this movie has some talent and may be doing some good things in the future, but to be honest Killing Ariel was too confusing to keep my interest and I skipped the last half hour of it because I didn't care anymore. It's not my fault. It's the job of the movie to keep my interest, it's not my job to watch it regardless. Killing Ariel started out promising and I thought I might be in store for a low budget scare fest like Evil Dead or even a real thinker like Primer. But things just went down hill from there. I couldn't understand the character of Ariel, who supposedly is so in tune with vibes that she has some kind of psychic powers, but isn't perceptive enough to understand why a man who is in the house where his parents were killed might have nightmares. Perhaps this was explained in the last half hour but I couldn't get there. Is she dead, is she alive, is she dead again, is she alive again, and who cares? I really felt sort of bad giving up on this one because it seemed somebody put a lot of thought into it and it had certain qualities that hinted at talent, but for an hour it went nowhere and I got bored. Sorry. Better luck next time.

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Was this supposed to be a comedy? An interesting premise, I suppose, but it played out like a second rate sitcom. Plus, far too little was shown of the "actual" demon, and far too much shown of the Jack Nicholson wanna-be in the lead. Seems the filmmakers spent a lot of time and make-up trying to film him from angles that would accentuate whatever bare resemblance he might have with Nicholson, though, in the early going, he reminded me more of Michael Keaton than anything else. Facially, in both cases...never talent-wise.I will say that I did come away with one positive from this film. Axelle Grelet is definitely easy on the eyes and did a credible job with what she was given. I definitely would like to see some of her other work. Aside from her, though, there really isn't much I can recommend here. Watchable once, perhaps, but nothing I would want to see again.

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Wow! I went into watching this move with low expectations, since I have never heard of any of the actors, or director. Within the first ten minutes I was riveted to the screen. This is much more than a horror film in so many ways. I was thoroughly entertained with the plot, and was equally satisfied with the twists and turns that the movie took along the way to the ending. Although I was somewhat confused in a couple of parts of the movie, it eventually explained itself in a way that was gratifying without being too over indulgent. I highly recommend this movie to anyone that likes a bit of gore, dark humor, sex, and a bit of the occult in a film. The acting was very good, and the casting was spot on. Good film! Watch it!

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