I agree wholeheartedly with another review which felt that the movie should have narrowed its focus. It could have been a film all about the life and career of David Prowse, the man who just happened to wear the Darth Vader costume in three Star Wars films among his many screen credits. After all, he was an incredibly interesting man and I had no idea he was a champion weightlifter and bodybuilder! Or, it could have been about the lost opportunity that Prowse had in not being able to play the face of the dying Vader...something which would have interested me very little. To cut to the chase, he wore a costume...and many folks could have done this. Sure it is sad he couldn't get the chance to be Vader's face...but that's life and he DID have other things about him that I wanted to learn about. The third area that the film went, and this annoyed me, is when it became all about the director of this documentary and his own personal quest to re-shoot the facial reveal of Vader in "Return of the Jedi"...something which interested me in no way whatsoever! In fact, in most documentaries, the less we see of the filmmaker and learn about their likes and dislikes, the better.So, to sum it all up, I loved learning about Prowse--he seemed like a nice guy and played a lot of interesting characters (including Green Cross Man)...but stop going on and on about what Marcos Cabotá wants....it just became tedious after a while. Give us a true biography of Prowse...and that's all, please!
... View MoreFirst the good- -Great idea for a documentary. -David Prowse could have and possibly should have been the man behind the mask when the mask was revealed.-George Lucas is a jerk for blaming Prowse for info that was leaked by someone else on his crew. Good to oust George for that.Now the bad- To say at the beginning of the film, you intend to shoot the scene over with David rightfully playing Vader, and then never deliver said scene which you film, is a horrible horrible act. Horrible since you can now sit right next to George in the jerk chair, since not once but now twice were denied David acting that famous scene out, once by Lucas's, and two by yours, the guy making a film to right a wrong....which you failed miserably at.If Lucas says no, then don't shoot it, but of course you manged to get me to sit through the film which is far too long than it needs to be, only to be disappointed as I'm sure everyone dumb enough to sit through the film will be.All you had to do was say up front, we filmed it anyway, but only got to show it to a small audience in Spain and I honestly might have stayed through it, if for nothing else to listen to their emotional reactions.I was almost in tears at the respect this man was shown, so you as the director had me as a viewer in the palm of your hand, and you completely blew it!I'd give this movie a 1, except that wouldn't be fair to David Prowse since he acted well in this film, and as Vader in Star Wars.Don't stop making films, but do listen to your audience. The promise promise promise followed with the sound of crickets chirping isn't the way to go. Major fail-
... View MoreDespite featuring some wonderful interviews and archival footage, I Am Your Father is ruined by the film-maker's senseless insistence on inserting himself into the film.The film has a fascinating story at its heart - that of David Prowse, who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy and remained remarkably unrecognizable despite playing one of the most iconic characters in all movie history.Yet the central story - that of David's all too human journey and disappointment - is elbowed out of the way so the film-maker can indulge in some wish fulfillment.While I understand the temptation for the film-maker to become his story, particularly given Star Wars' place in the Pantheon, the Michael Moore approach weakened the film and turned what should have been a richly poignant piece into just another ho-hum documentary. Pity.
... View MoreThere's some intriguing info and interviews in here if you don't know much about David Prowse.However... The filmmaker inserts himself as a main character, which is kind of annoying, especially since he obtained some GREAT interviews from a variety of people close to the Star Wars franchise...including Prowse himself. Those interviews could've carried it just fine had that been the agenda. Another small inconvenience (on the Netflix version anyway), there were no built-in subtitles for the two brief scenes that are completely in Spanish.If you can get past those minor annoyances, it is otherwise decent.
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