R | 18 September 2015 (USA)
Eden Trailers

After their plane crashes off the coast of a deserted Pacific island, the surviving members of an American soccer team find themselves in the most dire of circumstances with limited resources, dwindling food supply and no rescue coming any time soon. Team spirit evaporates as disagreements cause the group to separate into factions - a violent one lead by an unbalanced ruler, and a compassionate one led by a selfless player.


This film begins on fine footing, we're introduced to all of the characters and all of the requisite personality types are present for this type of story. It continues a little predictably but I was still with it. Then all of a sudden, and with no signs of it coming, all of the characters suddenly turn hyper-paranoid and aggressive. There's no gradual progression down this path which would make it plausible and engaging, but very abruptly so that it's not only unrealistic but makes the viewer feel insulted that the director would actually expect us to accept this. In addition, it enforces negative gender stereotypes - the men are all aggressive hot-heads and the women are passive observers of the random barbarism of their male counterparts. This film really is a mess and honestly feels like a waste of resources and talent.

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I'm not sure how movies like this ever get made. Skimming through the script alone should have saved whatever small budget this movie ended up costing. I should have listened to some of the other reviews. None of the character decisions made any sense. The group was stuck on the island for less than two weeks. Going as crazy as some of the characters went may have been conceivable after a year on the island. Suicide after barely a week on the island? Just one terrible plot decision after another.With an Eagle Scout in the group (assuming he was telling the truth) they probably could have athered up enough to eat from the sea as Slim seemed to be able to collect enough for a meal after a quick swim. Good grief - if they could figure out how to rig up dew collectors they probably could have rigged up a way to boil water and collect the condensation and had plenty of water from day two... Food and water are obviously necessities and were basically the only source of contention the group faced. I had to watch this to the end to see if it really was just a dream or if some of the things that happened would be explained. Nope. Just an abrupt end that also didn't make much sense. Everyone was probably tired and decided to put the audience in a sleeper hold to put us out of our misery. Really terrible...I can't get back that time and don't like spending more time writing about it, but hopefully it will save your turn if you decide to not watch this movie. Wow...I can't believe how dumb it was. I bumped the rating to 2 because the tropical scenery was nice.

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Started off reasonably well although I think the airplane crash scene could have been longer and more interesting.Up until the point they find the Japanese soldier all was proceeding well, then it all just went to pot. Lord of the Flies this most definitely isnt!The illogical actions that no one would do if abandoned on a desert island in the middle of nowhere and the poor story just weakened the whole premise and the ending well....SANDS OF THE KALAHARI - I guess the director had just watched that classic and thought he would throw that ending in lolCould have been good but like most of the films I am watching over the last few years, they just dont seem to have decent story writers and cannot sustain the pace that a good film needs to keep audiences involved.

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This review is not so much a spoiler, but it points out just how awful people can be to each other when under pressure. It really did remind me of Lord of the Flies in many ways because things went tits up quick, fast, and in a hurry. Considering the events took place over a little more than ten days, the characters didn't take long to show their true colors and true hearts. I was surprised that the island they were on had very little edible vegetation or natural water sources. I was also surprised that there were no organized search parties to explore the island to see what resources were potentially available to the group. I found the movie predictable, but entertaining. I didn't learn any life lessons or was left with a "feel good" feeling, but it did keep me interested for the duration.

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