Curse of the Devil
Curse of the Devil
R | 01 May 1977 (USA)
Curse of the Devil Trailers

An ancient curse causes the ancestor of a witch hunter to turn into a bloodthirsty werewolf.


Curse Of The Devil is the first of Spanish horror star Paul Naschy's movies that I have seen. I have learned that this film is one of many where he played a werewolf and is regarded as one of his finer efforts. I did enjoy the film, but I would be lying if I was to say that this is first rate material. Curse Of The Devil does deliver the goods though for cheesy B movie Euro trash horror. Satan's disciples seek ultimate revenge on a family of a man who crashes a party at a witches coven and executes them. By doing so his family has the curse of the werewolf and is damned for all time. Things get hairy when Waldemar Daninsky (Naschy) attacks lusty maidens and noblemen throughout the village. The film does have some nice Gothic atmosphere and goes along well with the satanic subplot. It also delivers on blood and nudity with gorgeous European vixens showing their boobs and bushes. The dialogue on my version is English overdubbed, which is a riot and greatly enhances the camp value of the film. The make up werewolf f/x are some of the cheesiest I have ever seen. I nearly had a heart attack laughing so hard when the werewolf shows up in the film. Overall, this is a pretty schlocky horror film with plenty of flaws and a very low budget. However, Curse Of The Devil is a pretty entertaining midnight movie that delivers what fans of the genre want.

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Outing based on the mythic Wolfman Waldemar Daninsky always played by the great Paul Naschy . Acceptable entry about Werewolf with the unforgettable Waldemar Daninsky-Jacinto Molina , under pseudonym Paul Naschy . The king of Spanish terror cinema as immortal Wolfman Waldemar Daninsky in this passable entry . This time , once again Waldemar stricken by ancient curse that turns into Werewolf at the full moon . During Middle Age , a nasty inquisitor named Ireneus Daninsky (Paul Naschy or Jacinto Molina) has Countess Bathory ( Maria Silva and in ¨The night of Walpurgis¨ played by Patty Shepard) burned alive on a pole and her women followers hanged . Before dieing in the flames the countess puts a curse on Daninsky and his descendants . Things happen that have never been seen by human beings, the blood flows like vintage wine . Four centuries later, Waldemar Daninsky accidentally shoots a gypsy while chasing a wolf. The angry gypsies, who knew of the curse, summon up the Satan and the gorgeous Ilona (Ines Morales) is chosen to seduce the young lord. During a night of love, Ilona bites Waldemar who turns into a werewolf killing his preys on full moon nights. Waldemar whose ancestors executed a witch is turned into a werewolf by modern-day descendants of the executed witch. His murders are first attributed to a mad killer escaped from the asylum . Meantime a constable (Mariano Vidal Molina) is investigating the violent and ominous killings . Waldemar, who suspects the murderous is none other than himself, falls in love with Kinga (Falcon) , the daughter of a professor from Budapest who lives at a countryside house along with his wife and another daughter . While Waldemar goes on a murderous rampage every time the moon is full and unleashing his powers at night to terrorize innocents round abouts . When Maria (Maritza Olivares) , Kinga's jealous younger sister, manages to love Daninsky and sleep with him , but Waldemar , once again turned into a werewolf seeking vengeance . Continental Europe's biggest horror star again with his classic character and horrifying to spectator . Jacinto Molina Aka Paul Naschy ,who recently passed away , was actor, screenwriter and director of various film about the personage based on fictitious character, the Polish count Waldemar Daninsky . The first entry about Waldemar was ¨The mark of the Wolfman (1967)¨ by Enrique Eguiluz , it was such a box office hit that Jacinto went on filming successive outings as ¨Night of Walpurgis¨, ¨Fury of the Wolfman¨ , ¨Doctor Jekill and the Wolfman¨ , and once again¨The return of the Walpurgis¨, ¨Howl of the devil¨. After ¨The craving¨ it was such a box office disaster that Jacinto was bankrupt. He was forced to turn to Japan for making artist documentaries, as he filmed 'Madrid Royal Palace and Museum of Prado' and he gets financing from Japanese producers for ¨The human beasts¨, the first co-production Spanish-Japan and followed ¨The beast and the magic sword(1982)¨ that is filmed in Japan and for the umpteenth time ¨Licantropo(1998) and finally even directed by Fred Olen Ray in ¨Tomb of the Werewolf(2004) with Michelle Bauer.It's a B series entertainment with abundant sensationalistic scenes , gratuitous nudism and a Naif style and plenty of flaws and gaps . The movie has a bit of ridiculous gore with loads of blood similar to tomato and is occasionally an engaging horror movie full of attacks , curses, and several other things. This time Paul Nashy/Jacinto Molina exhibits little breast but he was a weightlifting champion. Here Waldemar takes on villagers , gypsies and a constable in some moving attack scenes. Pretty slow going, but hang in there for the nice make-up Daninsky turning into werewolf . In the film turns up usual actors from the 60s and 70s who starred as secondary cast many Spaghetti , horror , Gialli co-productions such as : Mariano Vidal Molina ,Jose Yepes , Eduardo Calvo and Maria Silva . Acceptable and atmospheric cinematography by Francisco Sanchez . Filmed in Toledo , Manzanares and Navacerrada, Madrid and Talamanca De Jarama, location in which were shot most part these horror movies. Eerie and creepy musical score by Anton Garcia Abril , saga's usual . The motion picture with Spanisth title ¨El Retorno de Walpurgis¨ has various international titles as Curse of the Devil" , "Return of the Werewolf" (informal literal title) "The Black Harvest of Countess Dracula" , "The Return of Walpurgis was written by Naschy and professionally directed by Carlos Aured , a slick craftsman who directed all kind of genres, especially Erotic and Terror for Paul Naschy as ¨Horror rises from tomb¨,¨Vengeance of the mummy¨ and , ¨Return of Walpurgis¨ . The picture will appeal to Paul Naschy fans and terror genre enthusiast

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This was an excellent print. That means that you unfortunately have to look at blood so fake that it is funny. The dubbing was excellent in a technical sense, so the poor dialog is crystal clear. Why don't they leave the films alone and subtitle them? Paul Naschy is Waldemar Daninsky, in what is the 7th in the series. Don't worry if you haven't seen any others as Daninsky gets freshly injured in each one and the werewolf costumes are all different. However, this one gives us a glimpse back to the beginning and the origin of the Daninsky curse when an ancestor runs afoul of Elizabeth Bathory.There are plenty of luscious women and lots of full frontal to enjoy as the movie proceeds.Certainly there is sufficient gore for the most rabid horror fans.

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Paul Naschy made a hell of a lot of horror films and, unfortunately, many of them are somewhat less than brilliant. His "Hombre-Lobo" cycle is a set of films that sometimes gets some attention and this film is a part of that series. I've seen two previously - Werewolf Shadow and 'The Werewolf and the Yeti', which somehow managed to make it onto the Video Nasty list. I'm not a fan of either film at all and I feared this may be another bad example of the cycle, but to my surprise, Curse of the Devil is actually quite good! The main inspiration obviously comes from the Universal classic 'The Wolf Man' and features an upstanding citizen struck with the curse of changing into a werewolf every full moon. It's one of those deals where an ancient ancestor messed with the wrong people and it's turned out bad for Count Waldemar Daninsky as he becomes the afflicted generation. A witch instructs a beautiful naked woman to put the curse on Daninsky with the aid of a wolf's skull. She has sex with him first and then does the honours, leaving the Count with a bit of a problem.Spanish horror tends to be a bit slow, and that is the case here; though it's not a big problem as the film is always at least interesting and it's not as slow as some other examples. The title is a bit misleading and alludes to something more along the lines of Satanic horror, though obviously that's not the case; the 'curse' part makes some sense though. Paul Naschy delivers another good performance that fits his character, though he gets a lot of experience playing the same kind of roles so a good performance should really be expected. The werewolf effects appear to have been based on the Universal classic and possibly Hammer Horror's The Curse of the Werewolf too. I can't say they're very convincing, but there is a change sequence that's amusing. There's not a great deal of gore in the film but this is made up for by the way that the film delves into the werewolf legend. I can't say that this is a great film or a great werewolf film; but it's an enjoyable one and for my money the best of the three "Hombre-Lobo" films that I've seen.

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