Alligator 2: The Mutation
Alligator 2: The Mutation
| 18 December 1991 (USA)
Alligator 2: The Mutation Trailers

A giant mutated alligator runs riot in a small town after the sewer system washes it into a lake.

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Few men go fishing and soon end up being killed by another Alligator.When they are reported missing from there family members.It's not long before that cop believe that, there is a Alligator in the lake.Most of the movies was really dull, as it take them forever to come with a plan,Sub plots in this movie were also boring as well, which also bring the movie down, drag on a little too long.The Alligator attacking scenes were really bsd, not as gory a first one.Some of the acting was a little over the top at times, some of the other cast were good but they could have put a lot more effort into there acting.4 out of 10

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Let me state right off the bat to all fans out there that I did not like the original 1980 film "Alligator." As a matter of fact, I did not like it at all. I rarely use this word beginning with an H, but I *hated* the first "Alligator." To some, it's a funny creature feature satire. To me, it was a total bore and that's too bad for me, because I love the creature feature genre and was really looking forward to that film, which has gone on to become sort of a cult classic.Anyway, enough about the first movie. If you want to know why I detested it, see my review for it. We're here to talk about its 1991 sequel unimaginatively titled "Alligator II: The Mutation." And it's even more unimaginative than its already unimaginative predecessor. It's an even more typical sewer alligator picture. Now keep in mind, I have not seen this movie in ages and I have no desire to see it again. What I do remember of "Alligator II" was that it was a complete bore with special effects that were barely more competent than the movie that preceded it by eleven years.The plot was something like "Jaws" set on a lakeside. There's a carnival going on by the shores of some urban body of water. A detective (Joseph Bologna) becomes convinced there's a killer alligator loose in the water, but a greedy businessman is determined to keep the attractions open nonetheless. Anyway, boaters and swimmers decide to go for a dip or ride in the water and are never seen again and then finally...I must stress the word "finally" because "Alligator II" is a really tough film to sit through. It's not particularly gruesome; it's just a complete bore partially because it's so predictable. What also gets a kick out of me is how people panic at this gator because it's moving so slowly through the water when pursuing them. When out of the water and lumbering around, it is more agile and quick. And to conclude just how tasteless and dull this movie is, I reflect upon its ending which is just another rip-off of the hair-raising climax of "Jaws" and just proves just how great that Steven Spielberg picture was.I thought the first "Alligator" was a very bad movie, but it does outshine its sequel.

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Ah, yet another bad movie I caught on the Sci-Fi channel. I have developed a very unhealthy addiction to B-movies lately. I bet every time I watch one of these, it shaves a year off my lifespan.There's nothing of real interest in this one, but after watching it, I started wondering: how come carnivals are always so incredibly evil in movies? Every movie carnival I've ever seen has a spooky Gothic atmosphere, the only ride is a ferris wheel, and all the carnies look and act like Satan's minions. I remember carnivals being FUN when I was a kid, but filmmakers seem to hate them. I'm not sure who or what started this, but I suspect Ray Bradbury has something to do with it.As far as the alligator goes, it is not very scary. The ending sequence, with the heroes trapped in the water with the gator, is rather exciting, but there is not much else. This is obviously a Jaws rip-off, but the truth is, sharks are scarier to watch than alligators and that's all there is to it.2/10 stars.

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I enjoyed the first "Alligator", but this one just does not live up to that one. Not that the first one is a superb movie, but it was a lot of fun. This one just is not good at all. The main problem for me was that the alligator was not all that impressive quite frankly. I have seen alligators this size before. The only thing different about it, is the fact it is tougher to kill. The story here isn't good either and neither is the action. They go into the sewers to hunt it then it attacks some festival and then they figure away to kill it. This movie is not going to knock your socks off with buckets of gore and it isn't very interesting either, best just to skip it. It just does not measure up to the first one.

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