Adventures in Babysitting
Adventures in Babysitting
G | 24 June 2016 (USA)
Adventures in Babysitting Trailers

Two teen rival babysitters, Jenny and Lola, team up to hunt down one of their kids who accidentally ran away into the big city without any supervision.

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....and this is not it. Where have all the Hollywood writers gone? Is everything now just a remake? Are studios just lazily taking short-cuts to profit earnings? I don't know who decided that one of the most quintessential 80s movies needed a remake for the pre/early-teen Disney generation. Somethings should not be touched. Elizabeth Shue's version of Adventures in Babysitting is absolutely one of those things. The writers took the script of the 1987 version and tweaked it jusssst enough so that kids today could find enjoyment and in doing so, they created a poorly acted cheap thrills forgettable TV movie that fails to capitalize on the legendary status of it's namesake. For what it's worth, I'm a parent and I watched the original version.....and this version......with my kids. They enjoyed the original version more than this one (bonus points for the Thor lookalike). There's no reason anyone should have ever made this film and there's no reason you should ever feel the need to waste an hour or so watching this version as long as the original version still exists.

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that is so so nice movie full of adventure here you will gonna see how the babysitting is difficult maybe that's not gonna happen in real life but movie is about babysitting and that is so good way to show this whole mess with big trouble but every safe. i love this one and really enjoyed so much. that is present by Disney and we all know how popular Disney's stuff. IMDb rating 6.3 i thought this movie belong to 8 rating but that's is user's rating averages so that is OK maybe it will increase. in movie you can seen how jeen ( baby sitter) handling kids he got exchange her phone with another girl so she got in trouble but that is good they do a really good adventure a i love them how they got in trouble and they pass whole thing.

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Disney is celebrating its 100th Disney Original Movie with its recreation of the 1987 movie "Adventures in Babysitting".The movie does well in its own right but when compared to the original version of the movie the movie falls a little flat. There are little to no innovative choices made by the production team in this version. They do manage to retain some of the 80's humor without seeming too cheesy, but some parts of the movie such as the "baddies" seem to have been pulled straight from the previous century.The cast is chosen well with the banter between Disney Veterans Sabrina Carpenter and Sofia Carson providing a great few chuckles throughout the movie. The charming child actors/actresses in the movie do great to cause mischief without seeming too cliché.despite the mediocre script and the outdated "baddies" the movie performs well as a comedy for a TV Movie thanks to the great performance by the cast. 7/10 - Worth a watch

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For its 100 made for TV movie the Disney Channel launched its publicity machine for about six weeks. I'm not sure there wasn't one person within the range of a Disney affiliate in the world that did not know that this remake of the 1987 brat pack comedy Adventures In Babysitting. Nothing beats the Disney publicity machine when they want to push one of their products. Having said that this was an easy to take teen comedy with Sabrina Carpenter and Sofia Carson as rival babysitters who lose one of their charges when she runs off to the big city alone, the big city here being where the film was shot Vancouver. Carpenter and Carson have to team up though they are poles apart in personality. Carpenter is most uptight, especially where heartthrob Kevin Quinn is concerned. Carson is a free spirit who seems to drift not knowing what she wants out of life.Carpenter, Carson, and Quinn are Disney Channel regulars and young Max Lloyd-Jones who plays a most hunky police officer shows every signs of becoming a Magic Kingdom mainstay. The film borrows quite liberally from the Home Alone franchise where a bunch of McCauley Culkins outwit a pair of singularly inept crooks who want Carson's camera.Nothing special here, but Adventures In Babysitting Redux is entertaining enough.

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