Father of the Bride Part II
Father of the Bride Part II
PG | 08 December 1995 (USA)

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Just when George Banks has recovered from his daughter's wedding, he receives the news that she's pregnant ... and that George's wife is expecting too. He was planning on selling their home, but that's a plan that—like George—will have to change with the arrival of both a grandchild and a kid of his own.


The first "Father of the Bride" film made us hold our sides in both laughter and tears, meshing Steve Martin's great comedic "Dad" character with the emotions of marrying off his "only" (to that point!) daughter. However, when viewing the sequel to this great film, I was cautious...too often, sequels play for exactly the same type of laughs as the original (think "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls") and thus fail to deliver like their predecessor. Thankfully, "Father of the Bride II" does not fall into this trap.With daughter Annie (Kimberly Williams, who ratchets up her acting skills in this film compared to the first) announcing she is pregnant, father George (Martin) grapples with the conflicting emotions of becoming a grandfather. Further complicating things (and adding a bit of hilarity!) is the rather unexpected pregnancy of George's wife Nina (Diane Keaton). Thus, while coming to terms with his new identity, George also must deal with two pregnant women!Not only is this film filled with comedic genius, though, but it also delivers just as many (if not more) touching emotional moments. Whereas the first film captured George's equal parts happiness and sadness at seeing his daughter leave, this movie proves to be just as potent regarding George's identity crisis. With his whole life in flux (the comedic portion of the film), George begins to remember what really matters in the first place: family.Overall, this film is just as good as the original. The combination of genuine emotion and smart (not crude) humor is a welcome balance and counterpoint to other Hollywood fare. Let's just say that if a "Grandfather of the Bride" were in the works, I would be first in line.

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The original Father of the Bride had some "laugh till it hurts" moments, especially in the beginning, that are lacking in this sequel, though there are a good bit of chuckles. But there are some very moving moments in the sequel that brought me to tears and the character of George matures and deepens throughout. You come away liking and respecting him more as well as his family and its values. For example, the movie portrays married life as good, despite the partners' failings, and babies as a gift to celebrate, even if inconvenient. Memories have value too, and life often hands you a different deck than you planned to play. Though in both movies the Father/Daughter relationship is prime, in the sequel we get a better sense of George and Nina's relationship and moments that tug at your heart one minute and then make you smile the next. There are character flaws for sure in this movie. There are some awkward moments not suited for kids. Not all decisions that each makes may be ones you agree with, but the family members learn to be there for each other in the best way they know how. I enjoyed this movie more the second time than the first, which was many years ago. Maybe my own increased maturity allowed me to appreciate this movie in a deeper way.Diane Keaton is just so perfect in her role as Nina, and Steve Martin does his part well, as usual. All other characters are OK but I was not impressed with Martin Short's character (Franck Eggelhoffe). The strange, unidentifiable accent and personality was just too over-the-top unbelievable.

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'Father of the bride' was a good film and probably didn't need a sequel. But this is Hollywood, everything needs a sequel.While it is clear that a lot of effort has gone into making this sequel work, the central idea stretches credibility and every idea the writer had seems to have been thrown at the wall in a desperate attempt to get laughs. There are moments that remind you of the heart and humour that the preceding film had, but it's a load of nothing really. I went into this film dubious about how good it could be, and I didn't finish watching it any more convinced that the original needed a sequel.

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The other day I was renting Father of the Bride and I figured to go ahead and grab the sequel. The great thing about it is that the original cast was back so I thought this had a good chance of being as good as the first. So I watched the first Father of the Bride and really loved it, so I watched Part 2 right afterwards, I have to say this movie is a bit unbelievable. Now getting pregnant the same time as your mother, it's cool, I can believe it because my grandmother and great grandmother were both pregnant at the same time, but they didn't give birth at the same time at the same hospital. That just seemed a little too "coincidental" and out of the blue. But Father of the Bride Part 2 still delivers good laughs even if the plot is predictable and unbelievable.George and the family are doing well and are just enjoying life, he's even grown to like Bryan. When Annie and Bryan come over, they announce big news that they are pregnant, everyone is so excited, except for George who has just accepted his daughter being married, now he's going to be a grandpa? But the plot thickens, Nina is pregnant too with George's baby, like mother, like daughter, and when Bryan has to go out of town for work, George has to take over, but with Franck Eggelhoffer's help, that won't be too hard.Father of the Bride Part 2 is predictable and like I said it does get ridicules at times, but it still is a fun film for you and the family. I have to admit that the ending was very sweet, but I won't give that away, you'll have to see for yourself. Steve Martin, I felt so bad for him how hard he was trying to take care of his wife and daughter at the same time, poor guy. Franck Eggelhoffer really delivers the laughs this round, he and Steve, when George falls asleep and Annie goes into labor, Franck tries to carry George and has a hard time is so funny. Fater of the Bride Part 2 is worth the time and look, it's a cute movie over all.5/10

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