A Summer Dress
A Summer Dress
| 01 May 1996 (USA)
A Summer Dress Trailers

It's summer. Sébastien loves the singer Sheila. Lucia loves boys. As for Frédéric, all he wants to do is work on his tan.

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for its high simplicity. and for the special story. because , in 15 minutes, a long confession about youth, meetings, summer, significance of a beach day , importance of a summer dress are presented. in Ozon manner, off course. but the film seems be complete, each detail solid and clear and pure, the dialogues - as frame of events. a film about youth, joy and coming out. its seductive eroticism. its chaste love scenes. its profound, delicate and subtle message about the importance of small, ordinary things. a young man on a bike to beach. and the revelation of the return. an incident. and a gift. all in precise manner presented by a director who, with a not comfortable humor, gives new senses to well known facts.it is not fair to define it as a gay movie. maybe, only, as inspired portrait of discoveries of a special age.

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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

Literally, there are tons of short film out there dealing with the always challenging issue on putting homosexuality on the screen. These 15 minutes here should be a must-see for everybody who plans to go into that genre. There are literally so many crap films out there and people still appreciate them, even if they have zero artistic value, only because they are about that subject.The first scene was already a winner (and that comes from a heterosexual male). The use of Bang Bang there and on other occasions in this film was a brilliant idea. First of all, there is some excellent irony to these two words in the context of this short film, but there is also some outstanding sensuality in Sheila's version. And last, but not least, it's simply an amazing song. Now we have a bisexual male who spends the holidays with his (boy)friend, but he quickly gets annoyed by him acting so gay all the time. So he ends up in a romantic adventure with a young woman. But there is no drama, no tragedy, just happiness for everybody. The boys reunite quickly, the girl gets together with another guy when she leaves the island. There is so harmony and love in here, this is really a wonderful piece of filmmaking. Ozon was in his late 20s when he made this and you could absolutely see the talent he put on show in the last decades. By the way, even if he was still that young that was far from his first effort as a director and writer. A bit of a pity that only the female actress in here from the leading trio pursued a career in acting. Yet, even if they took other paths, they left us a film which is great and small at the same time. Highly recommended.

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Every other review here has been written by non-French. So I make the difference, which makes sense as well. This short film is not the expression of what is going on in France or in French sexuality. Only some very small Parisian bi-sexual circles will recognize themselves, and yet even they will not like the film. Why? Because it is bloody badly acted! You, other reviewers, who do not speak French, may be charmed, but to my ears, it all sounds massively false. I guarantee you: no-one talks like that, no-one acts like that. So what is the thing about this film, and how on earth did Ozon manage to raise the funds to make it? Surely, because in the French film world, no single person would like to be considered as being "frustrated", so they all have to pretend that the subject is worthwhile financing. Well, it wasn't...

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Subtle, delicate ,touching.A young man in a summer dress on a bike like incarnation of perfect joy. History of a coming -out and anatomy of relationship.Soft ambiguous gestures, slices of desire and a day like space of innocent miracle expression.Two men, a girl, a afternoon on beach, some words and a gift. Religious traces and a pantheist vision. Cercle of light and expression, nooks of an ordinary day and hot evening.A erotic chaste film in which the gay identity or the first sexual relation are only instruments for good definition of a universe with sensitives values.Pledge for self- discover, universe of beauty exploration, the sign of Ozon and same nostalgic air of every creation, "Robe d'ete" is a splendid occasion to understand the moment like projection of dream, to look, with emotion and child soul the essence of the essence beyond the images or people.

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