Burning Blue
Burning Blue
R | 06 June 2014 (USA)
Burning Blue Trailers

Two Navy fighter pilots find themselves in the midst of a forbidden relationship throwing their lives and careers into disarray.


That's no indication of the sexual position preferences of the main characters, because I would have no way of knowing. This movie was so muddled and vague it wasn't even clear sex had happened until it was acknowledged in the dialog.We know the characters are in love. That's accomplished with smoldering surreptitious glances. But that's about all you can tell from this bottom-of-the-barrel script. It's really impossible to tell what's going on. It came as a surprise to learn that the action covers about eight years. One of the characters says so. I wouldn't have known otherwise.The plot is navy pilots vying for some prestigious assignment. Things go wrong. Eventually NCIS suspects planes crashed because pilots had gay feelings. No, really--that's it.The last quarter of the movie is more direct, focusing on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell idiocy. But it's pretty heavy handed. I almost expected one of the accusers to twirl a mustache, like the villain in a Dudley DoRight cartoon.I wanted to like this movie, in fact I liked the characters and the setting. But it's really only watchable if you don't care about things like continuity or logic.

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Jose David

This movie reminds me somewhat of top gun. Wanting to the best at flight, relying on your mates and trying to hide faults / deficiencies. This movie was beautifully shot considering locations / sets. With the blessing of the USN it tackled a subject which is til this day still a source of anguish for many current and former service persons in all branches of our military and life in general. The development of the character relationships was just OK in that you get the connection but it was lacking a certain dynamic. The struggles of the main characters against the discriminatory system in the US Armed Forces, their families, friends and themselves is evident and well acted but again, something in the writing / development was lacking. Thankfully there wasn't many of the typical gay clichés in this movie.On a completely selfish note, while many the gay themed movie has gratuitous nudity and one sex scene after another. I'm kind of disappointed at the one "nude" scene there was. Not what I would've wanted or expected considering the main characters and theme. Again, completely selfish observation on my part though...I'm allowed :)

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You are lead to believe this is a story about the romance between 2 air force officers. Instead its written as a story about the friendship between the lead and his selfish, homophobic friend. The supposed love story consists of longing looks, the 2 officers dancing next to each other, a weird night with sex with woman from a bar where they stay in the same room on leave, and 1 kiss about 2/3 through this train wreck. When you finally think you are getting to the love story its ended, and now a witch hunt starts about their non-love affair. The movie is so afraid to show anything between them beyond longing glances, that even when the leads are shown shirtless in a locker scene, its for a split second. Apparently shirtless guys are just too "out there" for this film. I could swear this was directed by a homophobe or a religious conservative.This could have been a great movie, instead its a great topic with a terrible treatment. I do think the actors showed some chemistry (in the endless longing looks), but the butchered story line left them nothing for them to do with it.

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Is it me or does every other movie lately have blue in the title? BURNING BLUE, a film about the bizarre perversion and paranoia around gays in the military is actually the worst made film I have seen since WILD WOMEN OF WONGO. It's truly inept. Like a drama directed by Ed Wood. And it is even more rare to witness such bad performances. Simply dreadful. Bad in a not a fun or good way. And then the film feels about 20 years too late. Then suddenly something happens in the last 10 minutes. We jump 6 years ahead to a very short scene when Tammy Blanchard, delivering the only truly professional performance in the film, states "Now what will we do?" To which the lead says, " I don't know."It was so staggering to hear this in an "issue" film. Everything falls apart. The main character is brave beyond measure but then all continues to slide. What will we do? I don't know. Never sounded more honest.

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