The Whispers
The Whispers
TV-14 | 01 June 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    OK so I have very mixed feelings about the series. The story-line was fantastic. But the actors improvisations at times made me want to toss my MacBook Pro into the backyard (wouldn't have really lol)! I mean the endless meaningful looks and gentle arm and shoulder grabbing that went on between Rabe and Sloane just made me cringe. At some key points the script could have been a lot better. Other than that all the rest of the acting was good. After seeing Miracles from Heaven I am an avid Kylie Rogers fan! Her acting is superb and her crying is extremely convincing too. Towards the end of episode 12 I must say my eyes got moist! Kudos to her! I am also hoping for someone to buy series 2. The show cannot be left with just one series! Highly recommended!

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    Meg Abbott

    So OK many of the reviews I have already read were really judgmental.We know it's a sci-fi TV series from the very beginning.We also know the story is about alien invasion,so try not to be so harsh on it,instead,try watching something else if you re not into those kind of stuff.Yeah,it's not an original story, we ve seen alien invasions in a thousand films and TV series already,so try passing that one,and focus on other things, like the cast,the directory and the acting.Personally,I chose to give it a try cause of Lilly Rabe (who was more than awesome in American Horror Story).And I was not at all disappointed.The story is clever enough, aliens contacting only with little children and not the grown-ups, and the most important part is that this TV series does not make a fool out of itself by showing aliens as monsters/human hybrids/whatever we can think of what they might be.Instead,they are depicted really decently, travelling through power lines and contacting mentally with the children,so that works for me :) Last but not least, what captured my attention the most,was the kids' acting.Each one of them is SO CONVINCING and smart, better than a handful of actors I can think of.And trust me, it's really difficult to find good young actors,especially kids.It wouldn't be on my top-5 TV series, but,among others,I would surely recommend it.

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    This is exactly what they wanted it to be due to the time frame of actually good shows. It is just high end camera shots of people trying to look scared. However, it is really the only thing on Monday nights for US viewers so what are you gonna do. This is so over-hyped and ridiculous it just keeps dragging on but not in a 'something is gonna get resolved' way. More of like 'loopy loop we have a contract' kind of way. That being said...I don't get the popcorn maker out but I stream it because there is...nothing else on. The only real people who benefit from this production are the actors. They will have TV work forever God Bless their agents because they will never be considered as real professionals just symmetrical bozos who know how to open their eyes wider than they naturally are. And bless America where guys can sit around in their boxer briefs sucking on balloons filled with nitrous oxide getting paid to churn out this Stephen King knock off cock-a-doodle nonsense. How about a show where we help the aliens?

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    Sandy Shore

    Too many shows take themselves too seriously these days. It is especially troublesome when the show has a somewhat improbable premise. Here, it is hard to get involved in a story where the adults are so very concerned with the entity named Drill and the safety of their children, but are mostly keeping information to themselves and not raising the alarm. They all seem to think they themselves are the only chance for human survival. I sure hope not because they are some of the stupidest characters on TV. Just as an example, the child Minx. Her parents know that this invisible entity is contacting their child, that he travels via electrical wires, that me leaves a heat signature and can be monitored, that he talks to the children through the lights, etc. yet they let her sleep alone in her room, with the door closed, in a bed strewn with colored lights, even after knowing she has been contacted by the entity several times in her bed. The parents of these children also seem to loose track of them too often to demonstrate any concern. Would you let your child out of your sight if he/she was involved in this? Lighten up and give the adults some intelligence. It may be science fiction, but it still has to make sense.

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