The Tomorrow People
The Tomorrow People
| 30 April 1973 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    If like me, you were in your early teens when this first aired, you were probably a fan too of this low-tech but engaging children's sci-fi series. Replacing another favourite in the ITV schedules of the time, "Ace Of Wands", "The Tomorrow People" aimed even more at its target school-age audience by employing child actors in the lead roles of teenage "homo- superiors" with the ability to telepath and "jaunt" through time and space.Unfortunately this was its biggest weakness, as the young actors in the starring parts are almost universally wooden, every take looking like they're repeating a line learned a minute before. The sets and special effects are similarly dodgy, all cardboard and flashing lights, yet watching the episodes today some forty years on, with its excellent theme tune and arresting title sequence, it still takes me back to my childhood, when I would settle in after school and watch it faithfully.That nostalgic glow makes it easy to forgive its rather obvious shortcomings and to be fair the stories I've re-watched are okay too, sort of junior Dr Who. The good news is that all the original episodes are currently available to watch somewhere in hyper-space, unlike the late lamented "Ace Of Wands" so enjoy them while you can.

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    Its a funny thing, I was in a record store and I saw this show there, and I thought...'A and E' made the DVD set so I thought it must be kind of a thriller...well, lo and behold, it was anything but. Really does not fit the 'A and E' criteria at all, as it is aimed at pre and young adolescents. Never saw it as a kid...maybe someone at AE (The Arts and Entertainment Network) thought it predated Star Trek so deserved to be a DVD-as it has a lot of Star Trek type of gadgets in it...well, it doesn't predate Star Trek and it is really quite lame-even for kids, in my opinion, maybe even could be called a total joke. The fact that AE put it out is more or less a joke also, and highly misleading, as there are no photos to reveal it as a bad kids show on the back of the DVD box. Didn't cost much, maybe I could give it away...but I must admit, I can't think anyone who would want to watch it.

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    A really excellent series,it started off a bit shaky with the awful Kenny and the overacting Carol while Jon and Stephen were great from the start. Elisabeth brought some real acting to the show and the series really had some good stories especially "The Blue And The Green". I thought the introduction of Mike Hollaway as Mike Bell was good,he was a rebel and argued with Jon,which the others didn't do. The series got better with each season and it was always one of those shows that when it finished you thought Why? I highly recommend the DVD releases. "Castle of Fear" was a gem later on,loved the fact a Tomorrow person could create ghosts and even the Loch Ness Monster! I also really liked Hsui Tai,OK her English wasn't too strong but she was very sweet. I didn't enjoy the 90s remake,they should have watched the original,to see how to do a really good Sci-Fi show!The late Philip Gilbert was great as the all knowing Bio computer Tim.

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    I was introduced to the Tomorrow People as a young teen and was hooked forever on Sci-fi. These were teenagers with psychic powers. However they do not kill or harm others, their goal is to protect the Earth from "us" homosepians. As a kid I learned all about Telekenesis, Telepethy, Teleportation and the like, but I also learned that special powers could be used for bank robbery and teleporting vans into outer space! It should be noted that the cast (over the course of the show) was international Just like the American show Star Trek. This show originally was broadcast from a British network, while we Americans had Star Trek, they had The Tomorrow People. It would of been interesting if the two met.

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