The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
TV-PG | 27 May 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    in technical aspects this movie was adequate (though not particularly good): the sets look Egyptian, the special effects are acceptable for a TV-movie.the acting ranges from 'phoning it in' (our hero and heroin) to 'cringe-worthy' (the bad guys and extras) the story is the biggest problem: to say that the writer wiped his ass with historical accuracy is an understatement. but such an offense could be easily forgiven if the departure from history is for the sake of making a more entertaining story or for trimming a confusing back-story. this story however fails at both: it constructs an elaborate back-story (or at least pretends to have done so, while in fact it's just 'good versus evil') and fails to be entertaining.the only entertainment this train-wreck offers is in schade-freude: laughing at the huge pretensions that seep through and at the actors who must at one point have thought they were in a half-way decent movie. that the hero and his friends are boring and not very intelligent is to be expected (they are audience-avatars, and the people who make these movies don't have a very high opinion of their audience). but the biggest problem is that the villains are equally stupid and one-dimensional and (most damning of all) boring as hell. their only goal is apparently to 'be bad' (and not in the 'getting drunk and having fun' way, but in the 'having countless staff-meetings and doing boring political things' way).

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    I am aware that many reviewers panned this movie. I, however, found it to be a very interesting and a well done action adventure. Albeit, the CGI was rudimentary at best, but the awesome sets more than compensated for this.It appears that a great amount of money went into making the sets. I love the Indiana Jones'/Mummy series, and these were on par with those much more expensive movies.I believe the best part of the movie was seeing Leonor Varela. She is truly a beautiful and talented actress. Casper VanDien was excellent as the male lead.So, if you have a rainy Sunday and nothing to do, kick back, have some popcorn, and take a gander at this movie.

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    Too bad there's no negative stars rating... I was appalled by everything about this movie, including the chick's fake French accent, the terrible Indiana Jones/the Mummy ripoff, and the awful editing. I have honestly seen better acting in adult films. The few hours I spent watching this movie seemed like an eternity. The historical inaccuracies are so numerous that I found myself shouting "wtf" throughout the entire film. I have no idea how Russell Mulcahy's name ended up anywhere near this abomination. It shouldn't even be called a film. This "thing" is a pathetic attempt to combine the 'Indiana Jones' and 'Mummy' franchises.

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    This is not "The Lord of The Rings" by any means and is not even the best work of Director Russell Mulcahy. And there were far too many natives of India trying to pass as Egyptians. Having said that I found this film to be good escapism entertainment if you realize that they are not trying to present any kind of historical fact. One of the best ways to sum it up is to imagine Indiana Jones on the cheap. Casper Van Dien is always fun to watch once you accept his natural cockiness and are pulled into his ability to be comic and serious at the same time.Johnathan Hyde is always excellent either as hero (ala "Richie Rich) or as villain, and he seems to be fated to play these evil archaeologist types recently. And Malcolm McDowell is always superb. But the winner in this film was the sets, props and the soundtrack. The film was worth that alone. Still, a tighter shot film in a shorter time frame might have made it all work better. Not Oscar material by a long shot, but worth the time if you have nothing better to do.

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