The Cleveland Show
The Cleveland Show
TV-14 | 27 September 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This show overuses the same jokes over and over again.1. Gay Jokes (From Cleveland Jr., Terry, and sometimes even Cleveland) which are just flat out weird and make me uncomfortable. This was especially highlighted in the first episode of Season 3.2. Sex Jokes which just get old because every episode is talking about how Cleveland and Donna are going to have sex.3. References to Family Guy which are trying to tie this failed show to one that was funny and successful. 4. Overusing Holt as the sad excuse for Quagmire and that annoying Bear which has never once said anything funny

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    Jeff Johnston

    When The Cleveland Show first aired my wife and I gave it a "Meh". We didn't think it was horrible, but we weren't surprised when it was cancelled. Recently, I was given the DVDs and we decided to watch it again, using it as filler for nights when nothing else was on TV. For whatever reason, this time around, we found it really funny. It's not easy for a TV show to get me to laugh out loud (The Simpsons hasn't for a couple of seasons) but we were really enjoying the show. Maybe the timing wasn't right for the show's original run. Maybe binge watching (which we started to do) helps. Or maybe it's because we were watching the show late in the evening as a bit of light- hearted junk food before bed.Easily a 5/10 during the original run, but we're bumping it up to a 7/10 for the laughs. Give it another go if you get the chance.

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    Di Bobi

    Never before has a show been so out of touch with all potential audiences. Its ridiculous episodic plots were blatantly embarrassing to watch and the fact that it lasted that many seasons is nothing short of a miracle.Despite it's creator/s seemingly investing a lot of money in getting "celebrities" to guest appear on the show, clearly nothing was spent on hiring competent writers.I feel bad for fantastic voice actors such as Kevin Richardson having their talents wasted on this abortion.A common "joke" was having Cleveland (the father of the family) getting abused and assaulted by his wife Donna to no comedic effect, it was just something that some beta idiot or hateful feminist somewhere in the staff room decided to push for in most of the last seasons. Imagine if the genders were reversed, how "funny" would that repetitive plot point be? It wasn't funny originally either.Family Guy & American Dad are also plummeting to this show's low level. One down, two to go.

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    I tried watching it on Fox and TBS couldn't get into it. I then tried watching it again years later on Netflix and the voice acting is awful. was what Seth Macfarlane thinking? just stick to Family Guy. American Dad,Cleveland Show. it's all awful. Family Guy has even gotten worse. now the jokes are over done and they make no sense whatsoever. I'll stick to The Simpsons. they've actually kept me entertained for the past 25 years. Seth tries to mimic for the Black audience. Family Guy already does that. Cleveland Show was a poor excuse for a show like that. what's next? "Who Else But Quagmire?" has a show too? banging Asians every second? oh c'mon. all Family Guy and all these shows are is a rip off of The Simpsons.

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